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Jesse's POV:

"What time is it.?" Lana asks. "Its five in the morning." I answer taking out the bread. "I thought it was like seven or something." she says. "I know right." I say. "Want me to make coffee.?" I ask. "Yeah. Anyways, I make the best sandwiches." she says. "No I do." I say. "Want to have a contest.?" she fires. "Hell yeah. The best sandwich gets whatever they want." I fire back. "Deal." she says, tying her hair up in a messy bun. "I am so going to win this." I say grabbing slices of bread. "Nahh." she says. We begin making the sandwiches, adding random shit. I add ham, and alot of cheese, and eggs inside it. I look over and see that Lana added ham, bacon, cheese, lettuce and tomato. She is going to beat me. I then add chopped jalapenos. I then flip my sandwich, one side of bread perfectly toasted. "Whats that smell?" Lana asks. "What, I don't smell anything." I answer, confused. "Its the smell of my grilled cheese sandwich winning and yours losing.!!" she says. I flip her off, reminding to also flip my sandwich. She narrows her eyes and focuses back to her pan. I grab a plate, ready to place my sandwich. I turn off my side of the stove, and waiting for Lana. I leave my grilled cheese sandwich on there to keep it warm, as I grab a bag of Doritos. "Done." I hear Lana say. "Okay." I say placing my sandwich on the plate. "Ohh, I forgot to make the coffee." I say. "Its fine. I can wait." she says nicely. I make the coffee, pouring us two cups. I then put some whip cream on top. "Ready to lose.?" I say handing her the cup. She gives me a smile and grabs my grilled cheese sandwich. I then reach for her sandwich. She opens the bag of Doritos, putting a handful on her plate. She takes a big bite of mine, slowly chewing. Before I take a bite of hers, she blurts out something I didn't catch. "What.?" I ask. "This is so good. I was wrong." she says taking another big bite. I smile at her, wondering how mine tastes. I take a big bite out of hers. Holy shit. This is the best I ever had. I reach in the bag and grab a handful of chips. "This is the best." I say. "Really.? Lemme taste." she says. I hold the sandwich as she takes a bite. "Wow this is good." she says. "Want to taste yours.?" she asks. I nod as she does the same. This is good, too. "Wow, I don't do bad myself." I say. "I guess we both win." she says taking a sip of coffee. 

Lana's POV:

We finish our delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, cleaning up our mess. "I think dogs are better than cats." Jesse says. We seem to have random conversations coming out, like we don't give a shit. I always am the one talking, nobody answering back and now I found that person. "I agree." I comment. "Ohh shit. Martini.!!!" he says. "Martini.?" I ask. "My dog. He must be in the living room." he says running. "Okay.?" I say confused. I follow him, looking for Martini.

P.S. I found some pictures of his pants. I can't stop laughing. I want those pants now. But Jesse, you ain't got no pussy, you got the dick. Haha. I know, I am not funny. Anyways, I will put the other picture I found on the next chapter on Sunday. Sorry. Byee xx

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