Lunch Fight

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Hey, I am deciding to update right now. I am going to have orientation tomorrow and I am going to be with my dad. I really don't want to see him, but he is giving me money for new jeans and shoes. Also, I just found out my cousin went to the concert and she had an extra ticket. That fucker didn't even invite me. I am so pissed off, but it already happened. Also, guess who is single again. Me. The girl with the lilac hair and acne covered face. Yeah, but I sort of feel kind better because we didn't see each other much and alot of stress was taking over. Anyways please enjoy Jesse flipping you guys off, because you guys are all sexy as fuck. lol. Enjoy the update. Byee xx

Lana's POV:

We go to the drive thru, both of us lazy to get off. "Hi, welcome to Panda Express. What would you like to order today.?" the lady asks through the speakers. "Yeah, I would like to have the Broccoli Beef and a Coke, please." Jesse says. 'What do you want.?" he asks. "I would like to have the Mandarin Chicken and a Sprite, please." I say. "Alright, that will be eleven fifteen up on the first window." she says. We drive up as I grab my wallet. "No." Jesse says. "No what.?" I ask. "I will pay." he says opening his wallet. "No, I can pay for my food." I say. "No. I invited you to get lunch. Now shh." he says putting his finger to my lips. "Ass wipe." I say. "Shh." he shushes me. I roll my eyes and put away my wallet back in my pocket. He pays as we get our drinks, then head for the second window. While I sip my drink, I notice a girl through the window jumping up and down screaming. She opens the window, her loud scream coming in the car. "Ohh my god, y-yyou're Jesse Rutherford." she screams. "Yeah, I am." Jesse says. "I am like a huge fan. Do you mind taking a picture with me.?" she asks him. "Not at all." he says. The girl quickly takes out her phone, facing her and Jesse. "Umm you girl, can you like move your face." she says, rolling her eyes. "Umm, okay." I say. I move, going through my phone. "Girl, I mean all the way." she says annoyance in her voice. I roll my eyes and walk out the car. "There are you fucking satisfied.?" I snap. "Yeah. Thanks." she fires. She takes the picture, as I notice Jesse sort of pissed off. I go through my feed, hearing the girl talk non-stop. "Umm, we came here for food. Not for you to talk about your whole fucking life." I snap, my head beginning to throb. She rolls her eyes as I get in the car. She hands the bags nicely to Jesse, giving him a smile. She grabs a pen, writing something on a dollar bill. "Here, in case this thing won't stop annoying you." she says giving me a disgusting look. "Wow, stop talking about yourself. That is really bad to say about yourself." I fire. "At least I don't cuss in every sentence." she fires back. "At least I can hang out with a celebrity. Who is my boyfriend." I fire. Crap, did I just say boyfriend.? "Whatever." she says. "Okay. Bye." Jesse says driving out.

Jesse's POV:

What a show. I can't believe she said boyfriend. Was she jealous.? "Stupid bitch, I was ready to punch her ugly ass face." Lana mumbles. "Fucking bitch thinks she can give you her number." she says. I hold on my laugh as I drive to a park. I park the car under a tree, opening the roof. I hand her bag of food to her. "Thanks." she mumbles. "Why are you mumbling.?" I ask, biting my bottom lip. "That stupid bitch, she was annoying." she says as I begin to eat. "Annoying.? Nahh, she was so nice." I say with sarcasm. She gives me the death glare, as she puts a fork full of chicken in her mouth. I laugh almost spitting out my food. She joins in, trying not to spit out the food in her mouth. "I was surprised you said boyfriend." I say, raising an eyebrow. "Well, she was sort of winning at that fight. So, I had to do it." she says. I give her a quick peck on her lips, her cheeks turning a bright pink. "That is for slaying her ass." I say. She smiles shyly, grabbing her drink. I grab the dollar bill, showing it to her. I rip it into little pieces, as the wind blows it away. "There. Problem solved." I say giving her a cheeky smile. She laughs as we eat.

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