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Hey guys, I am so sorry for not updating I just have been really busy and sort of don't have the time. I am like so tired also, endless pages of homework to do and plus water polo. I also decided to join scuba diving at school so yeah lol. I AM LIKE SO HAPPY TO BECAUSE THE MIXTAPE IS COMING OUT IN THANKSGIVING AND THE NEW ALBUM WILL COME OUT NEXT YEAR. I am like happy and mad about both because first off, I am going to be in Mexico for like ten days so fml, and also I have to wait a whole goddamn year for a new album. lmao. Anyways, how was your guys' Halloween.? Mine was pretty great actually. I went out trick or treating with my friend and my costume was pretty legit. I wore my shirt of the neighbourhood with some jeans that have big ass holes where the knees are and I wore my black vans and my face had a creepy smile with sharp teeth. Yeah, I know its a horrible costume, but its way better to not dress as a slutty bunny or cat. Through out the whole night we listened to some bands and of course the neighbourhood and the 1975 and some people were staring at me because I was singing along and shit. I flipped off some people, its a free country am I right, or am I right.? lmao. Well, I hope you like this update lol. Anyways, I am going to add a QOTD on here for now and I don't care if none of you answer it and if you do I fucking love you. the question of the day is what is your favorite tattoo on Jesse's body.? lol It can be anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE. lmao. Okay, I am leaving now, sorry for wasting your time lmao Byee xx

Lana's POV:

The guys are acting weird. I shrug my shoulders as we begin to walk up to Subway. We go inside, not much people in actually. I begin to text Jesse to see what he wants.

Me- Hey, we are in line what do you want.?

Jesse- Get me whole wheat bread, and add some ham, swiss cheese, lettuce, avocado, tomato, chili peppers, olives, jalapenos, mayo, and mustard please.

Me- Alright. We will see you in a bit.

I begin to order for me and Jesse, then wait for Matt. We are at the cashier and I decide to grab some chips for us. Right when I take out my wallet Matt grabs my hand. "I'll pay." he says. "I'll pay for me and Jesse then." I say taking out twenty bucks. That's all I have left actually. I hand my money to the cashier, but Matt snatches it from my hand. "I said I will pay." he says. He take out his credit card and hands it to the female cashier. She looks up and notices Matt with wide eyes. Of course she has to be a fucking blonde. I cover my eyes, knowing that she will probably scream and do what every fangirl does. "Ohh my god, you are Matt from the 1975. You are like my big inspiration." she begins to say. "You know what, I will be in the car. You can give me my twenty bucks later." I say interrupting her. "Alright." he says with annoyance in his voice. I walk out with the bags to the car. I can imagine how stressful it is to be out in public and that you are famous. You never get to be like a normal person where people just ignore you. Being famous has you in a different position. Fans screaming at your face, pushing you to sign something, asking you to take a picture. Never having your privacy. I jump for Matt opening the car door. "So how was the payment with the cashier.?" I ask. "Well, she said a whole paragraph of how she honors me and other bullshit, then she takes a picture with me and she gives me her number." he sighs as I start the car. "Are you going to call her.?" I ask him. I will sort of be happy for him because he can probably be with her, but nahh. "I think its complete utter bullshit, I will never date a fan. And a fan who screams at your face and wants a picture." he says. "But, I like a person like you. I simple, yet the same exact fan like the blonde inside. You didn't scream or yell or ask for a picture or even a follow from twitter or instagram. That's the type of fan that I like." he says lighting a cigarette. Like me. 

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