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Hey guys.!! Just going tell you what has been happening for my life, I won't do this much. Maybe twice in a month or once in a month, I don't know. lol. So anyways I wanted to tell you guys what is happening in my life and tell you some facts about me. Please don't judge, and if you find something offensive in this, I am really sorry. And if you put hate on here, just write it in a piece of paper, with your best writing, fold it nicely and neatly and carefully, and once all that is done, shove it up your ass. Okay.? Okay. Sorry if you thought this was an update, but I will after this. ANYWAYS ENJOY MY BORING ASS LIFE. Byee xx

My full name is Maya Rochelle Echevarria, I am going to me a freshman in high school, I know I am too young to be on here. I am thirteen years old and my birthday is September 27th. I live with my mom, aunt, and uncle in a tiny two room apartment. And that reason is that last year my parents always fought and yelled at each other non-stop, and my dad was and still is a drug addict, drinks, and smokes. And on September (I forgot what day), my dad kicked me and my mom out of our house (it was officially my grandparent's house, but they got deported back to Mexico. So once they left it was just me, my mom, and dad). So I have been living with my aunt and uncle since. I had a really hard time dealing with it, when my parents were still together I locked myself in my room (sometimes went out my window to runaway, it was a two story house so I rarely did it.), I always cut, and sometimes went down stairs to defend my mom, and once that happened I got slapped alot. I was always quiet, I talked to my mom the most, but I didn't even talk to my dad much. I hate my dad to be honest, he did so many stuff that I even call him crazy. He used to unplug the tvs, ripped apart our laptop and my phone, ripped through our cars, wrote all over himself with quotes from the bible, didn't sleep much and was always down stairs in the kitchen, he shaved his head, slept on the floor instead of his bed, and other things that you really don't want or need to know. Anyways, my parents got divorced, had to go to court alot. My dad was trying to convince me and my mom to come back, but we both refused. I fucking hated him. I found out during the process that he never loved my mom, and did sexual harassment to my aunt. He tried to bribe me by telling me, "I will buy you everything you want. We can go travel to the places you want to go. I will give you your phone back (an Iphone4)." he said, but that never worked. He yelled at me over the phone and called me a stupid bitch, I tried to tell him how I felt and he just said that it was bullshit, and yelled over me. I didn't call him for about a month, neither did he. He called me again and said that he got drunk and smoked and finally "realized" the truth on how I felt about him. Bull crap. I sometimes do have to see him once in a while. Once I see him I cry, start having a panic attack, and I shake alot.

Time passes and I am going through depression, I wanted to cut, but my mom didn't let me, she checked me to see if I did. I couldn't. I wouldn't talk much anymore, I always had to fake a smile and act like everything was okay in school, but I wasn't and only one person knew that. I tried so had on my grades, but they still wouldn't go up. I talked to the principal and they told me that they would try to help me. I got the helped I needed, and my mom started to take me to therapy. I really didn't eat much too, I was to confused and fucked up in the head, I didn't want to eat or do anything. I fought with my mom one day, she yelled at me really hard and almost slapped me, but I walked back and defended myself, yelling at her back. Hours passed and we still fought until she said this, "Wake up, you little bitch.!! You need to grow up, build a bridge and get over it. You are living inside reality. Wake the fuck up.!!" until I yelled back at her, "Wake up.? You too.!!! You have no idea how much I have found out and seen through out the years, of you and my dad.!!! Everyone was always talking shit behind my back.!!! They also don't give a shit about me, I give them the same feeling, I would rather live in a foster home than live with my dad or you. I would have ran away when I had the chance. If I died would people give a shit about me then.? And wake the fuck up, too. And people also called me fake, and said that I do that for attention. Now tell me what other shit you are going to say." and that finally shut her up. We didn't talk for a day, I think. Then she acted like nothing happened.

I finally get better, not too depressed. I get into music alot more, I worked out daily and talked more to the people around me. I also got more out of random, talked to more people. Got better on grades, that I was able to promote. My life has been better. I also found out that my dad will be working in Alaska for a few months so whoopee.!! Not forced to see him in a couple of months. So yeah, enough of that now to learn more about meh.!!!

The music I like (bands and singers) are of course ONE DIRECTION, 5sos, The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy ,30 Seconds To Mars, Bring Me The Horizon, and many more. The singers (a few) Sam Smith, Sia, and ED FUCKING SHERRAN. So yeah. 

I am taken, I have a boyfriend. We only talked once in school...yeah I know stupid. And one day he randomly got my kik and thats where we talked all day. We met up on the nineth and yeah you probably know what else happened. lol.

I have acne, I weigh about 93 pounds I think. My height is 4'7. Yeah I am pretty small. But how in the hell do I have a bf.? I am like UGLY. lol.

Anyways, if this didn't bore the crap outta you please vote or comment. Like seriously I have no comments on here. lol. 

P.S. I am gonna dye my hair like Jesse soon. (Example Picture on the right side.) Isn't he sexay.? I think he is. Anyways, please vote or comment if you think I should change my mind or go for it.!! PLEASE VOTE. I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE. PLEASE DON'T BE SHY, I DON'T FUCKING BITE. Just please vote or comment.

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