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In one ordinary day, the University of Big Hit is busy with helping freshmen that are coming to campus to register for the next following school year.

Seniors, juniors, and sophomores are guiding the younger students around the campus and helping them find their dorm rooms. They were too busy to notice the bus arriving.

Ahn Jiyeon, a freshman, is dragging her heavy suitcase along the path towards the main gate of the University of Big Hit.

She sighs as she looked at the large gate in front of her eyes.

This is it Jiyeon, the pre-first day of your college life.

She took in a big breath and entered the gate.

She stopped by the information center and asked, "Excuse me? I am new to the campus, and I need help with registration. Can you please tell me where to go first?"

The girl nodded and gave her a sheet with directions and what to do first.

"Just follow the list and you're good."

Jiyeon nodded and smiled at the girl.

"Thank you so much... Uh... May I know your name?"

The girl scratched her head and said, "My name is Min Minji and what's your name?"

"My name is Ahn Jiyeon. Thank you, Minji."

"Ah... It's okay. It's my responsibility."

Jiyeon waved at her and said, "See you later in school if that's possible."

She nodded and continued to help the others.

She seems like a nice person. I wish I can see her sometimes throughout the school year.

Jiyeon thought as she grabbed all her stuff and dragged them down the stairs as she bumped into another girl.

"Oh, are you okay?" She asked.

Jiyeon nodded and smiled at her.

"I'm okay, but I'm a little bit lost. Can you help me with my registration?"

The girl nodded and took a bag from Jiyeon.

"Let's go get your schedule first, then let's go to your dorm room."

Jiyeon nodded and walked next to the girl.

"What's your name?" She asked as she turned around to look at Jiyeon.

"My name is Ahn Jiyeon. What is your name?"

She smiled and said, "My name is Do Dahyun, I'm a sophomore. You must be a freshman right?"

Jiyeon nodded and continued to walk by her side.

"Yes, I am a freshman."

Dahyun smiled as she placed the bag on the ground gently and called a guy over.

"Yo, Hoseok, can you look for the schedule of Ahn Jiyeon for me?"

He nodded and fumbled through the files of paper and picked one out.

He handed it to Dahyun and said, "Next time add the word 'oppa' at the end of my name please."

Dahyun rolled her tongue out at him and picked up the bag off the ground.

"Now, let's go find your dorm."

Jiyeon nodded and followed her.

"Ya, Nayeon, can you find which dorm Ahn Jiyeon is living in?"

The girl nodded and went through a laptop.

She raised her head and said, "She's with us, unnie. She's going to be living with us, in our dorm."

Jiyeon stared at Nayeon blankly as
Dahyun smiled and looked at her.

Dahyun reached her hand out and said, "Welcome to the gang, Jiyeon."

Jiyeon nodded and grabbed onto Dahyun's hand and shook it.

Nayeon passed Jiyeon a key and said, "Jiyeon, my name is Nam Nayeon, and this is your dorm key. You will be heading towards the butterfly dormitory with Dahyun. Do not let her influence you, understand?"

Jiyeon nodded and followed behind Dahyun. She did not know what she is going into, but she knows that she will like it.

They walked towards an apartment look-a-like building that has butterflies painted all over and entered it.

Dahyun and Jiyeon walked in together as a few girls walked past them.

The girls shot Dahyun some dirty looks and then glared at Jiyeon.
Dahyun looked immune to the death glare they shot her; however, Jiyeon wasn't.

Jiyeon looked down on the ground and averted eye contact with them.

"Hey girls, watch who you are picking on." Dahyun said as she bumped into one of the girl's shoulders purposely and they fell down.

She cursed under her breath as Dahyun shot her a warning look.
She and her minions scrambled off as Dahyun continued walking.

"Don't worry Jiyeon. Those girls are just jealous."

"Jealous? Jealous of what?"

She shook her head and said, "I'll tell you later, when the rest of the girls comes back."

"The rest of the girls?"

"I haven't told you who you will be living with for all four years yet right?"

Jiyeon shook her head and said, "I don't know anything."

Dahyun pressed the up button and waited for the elevator to arrive. She entered it as she pressed the third floor button.

"You will be sharing a room with me, Nam Nayeon, and Min Minji. Nayeon you already met, and I'm standing in front of you. Not sure if you met Minji already."

Jiyeon nodded and said, "I've met her, she's the one that gave me this direction sheet."

Dahyun took the paper and frowned.

"She gave you the wrong paper... Aish... that girl..."

Jiyeon laughed at Dahyun's reaction as the elevator door opened. They stepped out of it and walked down the hallway.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now