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Dahyun unlocked the door that led into the breathtaking dorm room. She placed Jiyeon's belongings down by a bed and leaned back on another bed.

"You can look around for a little bit if you want to."

Jiyeon nodded and took her shoe off as she gazed around the room.
She has never seen a dorm room before and this room is the best dorm room she could ever imagine.

There is a kitchen to the right of the dorm entrance and a bathroom to the left of the entrance.

In the main room, there are two sets of bunk beds.

They aren't regular bunk beds. They are huge and well designed bunk beds that have mini drawers underneath the bed, and headlights on the beam that support the top bunk.

Next to the bunk beds are four different desks and four different wardrobes. Each one have their own things placed on it, but one of them is empty.

Next to the desks is a small couch that has a TV across from it.

Next to the TV, there's a small table with four chairs. There are some bowls on the table, so Jiyeon assumes that it is the dining table.

Jiyeon nodded approvingly as she walked into the bathroom.

Once she entered the bathroom, her eyes widened at the scene in front of her eyes.

There are four sinks and one large mirror attached to the wall. There are toothbrushes, toothpastes, hairbrushes, and other cleaning product on the counter top. But there is nothing around the last sink.

She turned her head to the left and saw a tub, a shower head, and a toilet.

This dorm is larger than I thought it would be.

Jiyeon thought as she backed out of the bathroom and walked to Dahyun.

Dahyun was leaning against the wall and scrolling her phone as Jiyeon began to unpack.

"Oh, the bottom bunk is yours, and the empty desk, sink, and wardrobe are yours as well." Dahyun said as she leaned on her stomach and texted someone.

"Okay..." Jiyeon said as she sat on the bed across from Dahyun.

"Uhh.... Life is so boring...." She sighed as she threw her phone on the bed and turned her body sideways.

"Say, where do you came from Jiyeon?"

Jiyeon looked up at the elder and replied, "I came from the Busan district. What about you?"


"Oh~~~ that's so cool!"

Dahyun nodded her head as the dorm room opened.

Two girls walked into the dorm as they chatted.

"Sup, girls~~" Dahyun said as she sat up on her bed and the one of the girls looked at her with judging stares.

"Ugh.... It's D... Ugh..." Minji said as she placed her purse on her desk.

"Ya!!You can't say that! I'm the leader here!" Dahyun protested as she crossed her arms and pouted.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now