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Jiyeon and Nayeon walked back to their dorm silently. Neither of them said anything to the other.

Nayeon ran her finger through her hair as Jiyeon stared at the wall blankly.

"Ahem... Jiyeon... Uhh... I have to tell you something..."

Jiyeon zoomed back to the reality and asked, "What is it Unnie?"

Nayeon scratched her head as she sighed.

"It's about the girls... Those girls who dragged you out of class earlier today..."

Jiyeon's face darkened at the mention of those girls.

What have I done to them? Why are they so mean to me? Why did they drag me out of the classroom?

Nayeon studied her face quietly and thought.

She's not going to like this... I can scene it...

Nayeon cocked her head and sighed, "You know Jackson Wang right?"

Jiyeon nodded and said nothing.

"The girl who dragged you out today is his younger sister. And she has three minions. Lee Hyun-a, Park Amber, and Kim JiYoung."

She said as she pulled out a picture of them. Jiyeon recognized the girls and nodded.

"Alice and her minions are known as the Scary Girls. Alice has a crush on Yoongi. She has been trying to his attention since her freshman year. She will do everything to get his attention. The other girls are just crazy over Got7."

Jiyeon nodded and asked, "If she is all over Yoongi. Why is she targeting on me?"

"She probably realized that Yoongi changed a lot because of you. He went from I-Don't-Like-Girls to I-Like-Girls-And-She's-Ahn Jiyeon." Nayeon said as she opened the door that led to the balcony.

What? Min Yoongi likes me?

Jiyeon thought as she followed Nayeon out to the balcony. She leaned over the bars and sighed as she scanned around the empty campus.

"Nayeon," said Jiyeon as she looked at her, "What do you mean by Yoongi likes me?"

Nayeon blinked her eyes and said, "I noticed it a few days ago. When we went to eat dinner together. He was staring at you like you're his lost love... It creeped me out... Cause he never looked at any girl of any kind that way until you came."

Jiyeon nodded and unscrew the water cap off and drank a sip of it.

"However, he is not the only one that has a crush on you."

Jiyeon swallowed the water and asked, "Pardon? There's more then one?"

Nayeon nodded and sighed, "I'm not telling you who he is though. You need to figure it out yourself. It's really really obvious."

Jiyeon cocked her head to one side and thought.

Who could be the other one? Jackson? Ehhh.... Nah... Taehyung? Ehhh... Nah... Jungkook? Mmmm.... It's Possible...

"Do you have anymore questions?"
Nayeon asked as she turned around and rested her elbows against the bars.

Jiyeon looked up at the sky and thought.

I wonder why did Jackson say he doesn't want to go to the AOMG University. Is it a bad school?

"Nayeon, what is the AOMG University?"

Nayeon stared into her eyes and said, "AOMG University?"

Jiyeon nodded and blinked.

"Uhh... That is a dangerous place to go."


Nayeon scratched her head and said, "That place is filled with mean people. Bullies, Drug
Addicts, Smokers, and Alcoholics. Is a filthy place to be at... Why did you ask this question?"

Jiyeon shrugged and said, "I was just wondering what Jackson said earlier today. Thank you though~~"

"You're welcome... Oh! Dahyun and Minji are back." She said as she looked down at her watch.

"It's time for me to go to my last class of the day. I'll come back before curfew. See you later~~"

Jiyeon nodded and waved at her as she left. She smiled at the two girls coming back and looked up at the sky. She walked back into the room and laid down in her bed.

I guess that's why Jackson was begging me today... Because he really doesn't want to go to that horrific place... I guess I can understand...

She turned around and faced the wall. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Alice paced around the room unhappily as the two others followed her feet.

"Ugh!!!!!! They had to come by and interrupt!! Ugh!!!"

Amber looked up at her and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"We could always try again, just because Taehyung and Jungkook came by doesn't mean that there will be someone next to her 24/7."

Alice shot her a hard glare and sat down on her bed. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands.

Jiyoung walked towards to her and whispered something in her ears.

Alice smiled as she grabbed onto her hands.

"That's a really good idea. Kidnapping her on our annual college party. But how?"

"I don't know yet, but I'm sure we can come up with a good plan by then. It's at the end of the semester anyways."

Alice nodded approvingly and said, "We still have a long time to plan."

She stared out at the darkening sky and smirked.

Ahn Jiyeon, you're going to suffer.


The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now