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Jiyeon sat in Professor Slim's class and stared at the board blankly as Jungkook stared at her worriedly.
Even though Jiyeon came back from the hospital, she was still depressed. She wasn't depressed about the Alice incident. She was depressed about the Yoongi-Departing-Without-Warning incident.

Professor Slim clapped his hands together as the students packed up. "That's the end of today's lesson. Remember to find a partner for your upcoming project and write a paper about rhythm," he paused and stared at Jiyeon. "Miss Ahn, please stay behind after class, and Jungkook, stay with her."

Jungkook nodded and looked over at Jiyeon. Her eyes were blank and her face was expressionless. He sighed as he crossed his arms.

I doesn't know what's more annoying, her avoiding everyone or her not talking to me. She has been like this for the past two weeks. It's getting scarier and scarier as time goes on. At first she was alright, but after she and Minji fought again, everything became worst. Jiyeon stopped talking to everyone, and she often shuts everyone out, and sits with the Got7 boys. I had tried to convince her to come back to the crew, but she didn't say anything. Plus, Jackson is continuously trying to make up to her by every service she requests.

In the morning, she leaves before the girls wake up. At night, she goes back after the girls fall asleep. Whatever it is bothering her, it has began to scare me. I doesn't like this silence treatment. It has gone overboard.

"Jungkook. Jungkook! JEON JUNGKOOK!!!"

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at Professor Slim, who is tapping his feet impatiently.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly and lowered his head, "Sorry. Professor Slim."

Professor Slim sighed and shook his head. He walked up to them as he mumbled something under his breath. He places a folder down in front of Jiyeon's eyes and waved it in front of her eyes. She blinked and a slim light showed up in her eyes as she stared at Professor Slim.

She didn't say anything and grabbed the folder out of his hands. Professor Slim frowned and sighed, "Look, Miss Ann, I know that you are going through a hard time right now, and I know what that feels like. But that doesn't mean you can lack off. You have a lot of potential in you. Yoongi told me that I should go easy on you because of many different reasons."

A flash of sadness appeared on Jiyeon's face at the mention of Yoongi's name. Professor Slim continued to say. "Before he left the city, he gave me a USB. He didn't tell me what's in there, but he wrote a note with it." Professor Slim reached into his pocket and grabbed a piece of crumbled sticky note along with a USB. He gave it to Jiyeon as he continued to say,
"He told me to give this to you if you're not doing well while he's gone. I don't know if this will help, but I hope it will so you can bloom in the world of music."

He turned towards Jungkook and said, "Because Jiyeon's is important to you. I will good easy on you for the paper and the project, but you can't let me down."

Jungkook nodded as he packed his things up. Jiyeon held onto the USB as she mumbled something under her breath. Jungkook followed behind her as she stormed out of the classroom. She entered a studio looking room and logged onto the computer with her student ID. She plugged the USB in and clicked on the file. She gasped at the enormous number of files on it. She clicked the first one and watched it. Then another. Then another. She repeated this process over and over again until she clicked the last video file.

Yoongi popped up on the computer screen, just like how he sat during lunch when he sits in front of her. Yoongi smiled as he began to speak.

"Last day of Yoongi's Video Blog.

Today, I just learned more things about Jiyeon.

I learned that her favorite color is blue. Her favorite food is Food in general.

Her favorite Oppas are Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook. Her favorite class is Music and Arts. Her least favorite class is English 101.

Her favorite song is "Love the Way You Lie" by Rihanna and Eminem.

I've also learned something about myself, and that is... I've fallen in love.

I've fallen in love with that adorable fluff ball who napped with me in the library. I fell in love with the fluff ball who loves food so much, that they could careless about her surroundings.

Jiyeon, if you ever get to see this. Please don't be sad. Smile more, like me when you're around. Don't be sad okay? I'll be here for you. If I'm not, Jungkook and the others will. Yoongi out."

The screen turned black and Jiyeon stared at her reflection on the monitor. A gush of tears rolled out of her eyes as she cried and spoke for the first time in forever.

"Kookie... Why? Why does he have to do this to me?"

Jiyeon turned around and wrapped her arms around Jungkook's waist. She nuzzled her face on his stomach and cried, "Why? Kookie? Why?"

Jungkook petted her head and said, "It's okay... He'll come back for us. He just need some times alone. Away from people, I guess..."

Jiyeon sniffed as she pulled away from Jungkook's embrace. She gave him a weak smile and said, "I heard what he said... I'll try to cheer up from now... Say, do you want to hang out with the Got7 boys later? After spending all these time with them, I got to know them a lot better. It turns out that they are just like you guys."

Jungkook cocked his head to one side and asked, "A group of friends?"

Jiyeon shook her head and said, "No, A family. We are a family."

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now