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"Wait what? What did you just say? You're going to ask Jiyeon out right after the exam week?!" Dahyun, Minji, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin exclaimed as they stared into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook looked around to make sure that Yoongi and Jiyeon are not nearby and nodded as he replied, "I've made up my mind. I'm going to ask her out after the exam week."

"It's expected, since you guys has been close since forever." Taehyung said in a whisper as the group stared at him as if they want to eat his soul.

"Wait, you knew about this?!" Jimin exclaimed as he stared into his eyes.

Taehyung shrugged and said, "He told me that yesterday night and it's not hard to predict in the first place. And it's not like you're not in a predictable relationship."

Jimin sat back down into his seat and rubbed the back of Minji's hand. He can't believe that his baby maknae will be taking after his footsteps this quickly. In fact, he is still shocked by the fact that he is asking her out later this following week. He didn't ask Minji out until he was sure with his own feelings, which was a few weeks ago after school started.

Seokjin wiped away fake tears as he said, "UUUuuu, My baby is growing up. Uuuu. Already leaving mom for another girl... uuuuu"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "Hyung, you're not my mom."

Seokjin gasped dramatically and placed his hands on his chest.
"Uh. Rude."

Namjoon shook his head and sighed, "What can I do about you, Seokjin?"

Seokjin rolled his eyes and said, "You don't have to do anything about me. I'm perfect the way I am."

Jungkook stared at the two seriously as they fought. Hoseok realized Jungkook's intense stare and nudged the two. Namjoon and Seokjin stopped arguing and returned their attention on the maknae, who was unhappy about them being rude while he was talking.

"Sorry, Kookie, please continue."

Nodding to appreciate the leader's respect, Jungkook continued with his speech.

"I'm thinking of asking her out, but I need all of your help planning the confession."

Nayeon, who has stayed silent during the past few minutes spoke as she raised her arm.

"Do you already have a plan in mind?"

Jungkook nodded and gathered everyone around the table as he peeked up at their surroundings, making sure that neither Yoongi or Jiyeon were near them. He leaned in and said in a whisper.

"So... here's what's going to happen on that day. The hyung are going to help me prepare the confession party, and the nonnas are going to help me by making Jiyeon busy that day."

"How?" Dahyun, Minji, and Nayeon asked.

Jungkook looked at the ceiling for a while and said, "Why don't you guys tell her that you will be busy and you need her to do the chores for the day?"

The three girls looked at each other and smiled. They refocused their gaze on Jungkook and nodded, "Sure, we will keep her busy as hell."

"Thanks." Jungkook said and looked up, he looked back down and whispered, "Yoongi and Jiyeon are here. Let's break."

The group nodded and sat back down into their seats as Yoongi and Jiyeon got closer towards the group.

"Sup guys? I just finished my pre- music production lesson with Yoongi." Jiyeon said as she found a spot next to Jungkook and sat down besides him.

Yoongi sat down across from her and said, "Let me tell you, that girl is a pure genius."

Jungkook smiled proudly and ruffled her hair as he said, "Of course, my Jiyeon is a genius no doubt about that~ Right Jiyeon?"

"Yah! Who said that I'm yours?" Jiyeon asked as she stared at Jungkook.

"I did because you are mine."

Jiyeon blushed and hid her face in Jungkook's arms. She was too embarrassed by the fact that the golden maknae had said that she was his when she was not his. Yet.

"Ouch!" An unfamiliar voice shouted as a girl fell down behind the group. She rolled under the chairs and hid as Yoongi stood up and surveyed their surroundings. He didn't see anything suspicious, so he sat back down and continued talking with his friends.

Meanwhile, the girl who fell earlier rolled out to the nearest pole and walked away from the group. She tapped the record button and replayed the conversation she just recorded. Her lips curled up into a smirk as she sent it to a group chat that included Jay, Hyuna, Amber, and Jiyoung, and herself.

Min Yoongi, prepare for your worst nightmare.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now