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The sun rose as the morning fog disappeared. Birds chirped and sang as if they are welcoming the new day to come.

The dew drops on the leaves dropped as the loud alarm rang and woke the girls up.

Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows as she fumbled around the bed and turned the alarm off.

She sat up reluctantly and stretched her body. She got off her bed and drew the curtains apart.

"Ugh...." Minji groaned as she covered her face with her blanket to block the sunlight off her eyes.

Nayeon sat up and stared at the bunk across from her blankly as she rubbed her eyes.

Jiyeon turned around and faced the wall as Dahyun unplugged her phone. She walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

Nayeon climbed down her bunk and stretched her body. She grabbed her binoculars and walked to the balcony.

"Another day has begun, and I'm still single."

She sighed as she raised her binoculars up to her eye level and began her daily routine.

Stalking people.

Nayeon cocked her head to one side as she saw Taehyung wandering around campus alone. He turned his head and looked at her direction. He shook his head and kept on walking.

I wonder what he is doing over here this early in the morning.

Soon, she heard some ruffling sound as she dropped her binoculars to her side.

Nayeon turned around and saw Jiyeon stretching her body as she walked out to the balcony.

"Good morning, Nayeon unnie~~"

Jiyeon flashed her a cute gummy smile as she leaned her arms on the bars that surrounds the balcony.

"Good morning, Jiyeon~~~"

Nayeon said as she ruffled Jiyeon's hair. It felt nice to have an accompany on the balcony in the mornings.

"Unnie, do you like any one?"

Nayeon turned her head to Jiyeon and replied, "Of course I do."

Jiyeon rested her chin at the palm of her hands and asked, "Who is it?"

Nayeon stared up at the blue sky and smiled at the thought of the cute boy that flashes boxy smile at her everyday.

"That is a secret~~"

"Ehhh~~~ Come on just tell me~~~"

Jiyeon shook Nayeon's arms as she gave her puppy eyes.


Nayeon laughed at her and pinched her cheeks.

"No~~~ But I can tell you who Dahyun and Minji likes."

Jiyeon's eyes brightened at Nayeon's words.

"Please tell me about that!"

Nayeon smiled and asked, "Remember the last boy that sat across from Dahyun yesterday?"

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now