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"Welcome to the annual college party." The guard said as Jiyeon and the girls walked into the party house. BTS and Got7 followed them. The girls flipped their hair as they entered the house. Cause they know they will be the center of attention. DJ Seungri waved at them as Eric Nam, EXO, and other well known college groups emerged from the crowd and greeted them.

Dahyun, Hoseok, Jimin, Minji, and many members of EXO and Got7 walked straight down to the dance floor as the rest of the members walked towards a large table away from the dance floor.

Jiyeon sat in between Suho and Lay as she cupped her face in her hands. She glanced around the table and observed.

Namjoon sat in between Suho and Seokjin. Nayeon sat next to Taehyung. Kyungsoo and Chen sat next to Mark who sat next to Xiumin. Jungkook was no where to be seen.

Jiyeon sighed as she leaned down on the table. This party is boring the heck out of her, me most importantly she's hungry. She pouted and sighed as Suho smiled at the sight and pulled Jiyeon into his embrace.

"Jiyeon baby~~~ How are you doing?"

Jiyeon pushed him away and sighed, "I'm waiting for Jungkook... I don't know where he went... And I want food!!!"

Xiumin chuckled, "Aigoo~~ Looks like YeonYeon is still a foodie. College changed you a lot, but it didn't change the fact that you are still a foodie."

Jiyeon pouted and said, "I blame Seokjin oppa for always making delicious food and giving them to me."

Seokjin pouted and whined, "Why are you blaming me for all these? It's not my fault that I make good food~~~"

Namjoon nudged him and coughed quietly. Suho chuckled and drank a sip of his water. Jiyeon rolled her eyes and stared at the ever-so-quiet-JPG-God Lay and waved her hands in front of his eyes.

"From Jiyeon to JPG lord, are you still here?"

Lay blinked and smiled at her, "Yes, Angel. What can I do for you?"

Jiyeon shrugged and said, "I don't know. I just wanted someone to talk to..."

Lay's dimples showed as he curled his lips into a grin. He ruffled Jiyeon's hair and sighed, "Ah. You're way too adorable."

Jiyeon closed her eyes and enjoyed the brotherly love Yixing was giving her when DJ Seungri shouted into the microphone.

"May Ahn Jiyeon walk down to the center of the dance floor? May Ahn Jiyeon walk down to the center of the dance floor?"

Jiyeon pulled away from Yixing's embrace and poked her head up. She looked at the people around her and asked, "Did he just call my name?"

The groups nodded as they walked out of their seats to make way for her. Jiyeon sighed and got up. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked towards the dance floor. People separated and made way for her as she walked towards the center of the dance floor.

Jiyeon gasped when she saw Jungkook standing in the middle of the dance floor with a bouquet of red roses and a box in his hand. He smiled brightly at her as she covered her mouth. Jungkook kneeled down on his knee and gave the flowers to her. Then he took the box out and in it laid a pretty diamond heart bracelet.

Jungkook took the bracelet out and slipped it onto Jiyeon's wrist.
"Ahn Jiyeon, the love of my life, would you be my girlfriend?"

Jiyeon gasped as she looked at the people around her. The members of BTS, Got7, and EXO all cheered for her as they shouted, "Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!"

Jiyeon smiled and nodded, "Yes, I will. I will Jungkook!"

Jungkook smiled happily and pulled her into his embrace. He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. Jiyeon cried happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Woop woop!!! Congratulations to Jeon Jungkook and Ahn Jiyeon!! Now are y'all ready to dance?!?! Let's party hard tonight before Winter break starts!!!" DJ Seungri shouted into the mic as music blared.

Jungkook and Jiyeon danced with each other as the others followed their footsteps.

Jiyeon smiled happily at the handsome man holding her hands and thought.

I wish time could stay like this. Perfect and peaceful.


But sadly that's not how the world works. Things always happens. Both good things and bad things. May our baby Maknae learn that in the future .

And that, my friends, is the end of Book 1. Btw, I thank all of you lovelies out there who are supporting me. I really really appreciate it. Thank you.

From: Author-Nim

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