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"Thank you, here's your money." Minji said to the taxi driver as she handed him the money. She squinted at the bright sunlight shining into her eyes and blocked it off with her arm.

She walked back to her dorm furiously and slammed the door behind her. She sat down on her bed and screamed. She is furious. She is not feeling nice today. She doesn't want to be the miss nice and shy for today.

This is all Jiyeon's fault! If she didn't make Yoongi fall for her. None of this would've happened. Alice wouldn't go crazy and threaten my brother with stupid threats. He wouldn't have to go through these bullshit. It's all her fault!!!!

Minji pounded on her desk angrily as she glared at the things on her desk.


She groaned frustratedly and swept all the things on her desk onto the floor. She panted as she kicked a book across the room. It stopped by Jiyeon's bed. She walked to Jiyeon's bed and began punching it.

Why do you have to start all these dramas? Why???? Why my brother???

She collapsed onto the floor and sobbed, "Why??? Why him??? Why my brother?"

Just then Dahyun walked into the room. Dahyun's eyes widened and jaws dropped as she scanned over the mess that Minji made.

"Minji... What the hell happened?"

Minji shook her head and continued crying.

Dahyun rolled her sleeves up and asked, "Was it Jimin? Oh if he was the one who made you cry. I'm going to hunt him down."

"It's... not... not Jimin..."

Dahyun ran to Minji and wrapped her with her arms. Dahyun rubbed against Minji's back and asked softly, "Who is it then?"

Minji wiped her tears away and said, "It's complicated..."

"Tell me." Dahyun said demandingly as she calmed Minji down.

Minji sniffed and told her everything from the beginning to the end.

Dahyun frowned as she mentioned Alice Wang and Jiyeon. Minji cried again as she told her everything.

Dahyun calmed her down as Nayeon came back. Nayeon too, was surprised by the mess.

Nayeon dropped all her things and went to the girl that is sitting on the floor. She wrapped her arms around her and comforted her.

Minji continued crying and Dahyun sighed.

Nayeon looked at the two of them with confusion in her eyes. She turned to Dahyun, who is now cleaning up the mess Minji made, and asked, "What happened?"

Dahyun shook her head and mouthed her some words.

"Don't ask...."

Nayeon nodded and continued comforting Minji. Suddenly, Minji stud up and glanced out of the window. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Jiyeon coming back to the dorm.

"Fuck that crap. Why is she here again? She can just go for her Jungkook and leave my brother alone to suffer."

Dahyun raised her head up and looked at Minji and shot her a warning glance.

"I know you're upset, but you need to know your limits. That's way over the line. We all know Yoongi chose to avoid Jiyeon and kept whatever the hell he went through a secret from all of us. It's not Jiyeon's fault."

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now