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Seokjin snored loudly and rolled to the right side of his bed. He thought he was rolling towards a wall, but there was no wall to stop him from falling. He rolled off his bed and landed on the floor, face down. A thud was heard as Seokjin made contact with the floor. "Owwww...." he groaned as he sat up slowly. He stretched his arms out and stared at the empty bed in front of his eyes. Huh? Yoongi woke up already? This is unusual... He usually doesn't wake up until the mid-day.

Seokjin stood up and rubbed his butt. He yawned as he walked towards the bathroom. He got ready and began cooking breakfast for the others. He scanned in the empty sink and thought. Huh, weird. If Yoongi woke up, there should be a coffee mug in the sink. But there isn't. That's weird.... Where did he go? Did he leave? What if he left?

"Nah, that isn't possible."

Seokjin hummed softly as he prepared breakfast for his roommates. Soon, Namjoon and Hoseok woke up. The sniffed the air and smacked their lips. Seokjin looked up at them tenderly and plated the bacon and egg into three plates.

Namjoon climbed down the latter as Hoseok poked his head down to look at his lower bunk. He scratched his head and asked, "Hyung, where is Yoongi hyung?"

Seokjin brought the plates over to the table and said, "I don't know. I didn't see him when I woke up."

Namjoon sat down in a chair and stared at his phone. Hoseok climbed down the latter and walked towards Seokjin's desk.

"What is this?"

He picked the envelopes up and waved them in the air. Drawing attention from the others. Seokjin placed the plates down on the table and looked up at the white objects that Hoseok was waving.

"What is what?" Seokjin asked.

"These envelopes." Hoseok said as he walked towards Seokjin. He gave the letters to him.

Seokjin took the letters and examined it in his hands.

"To Seokjin, Minji, and Jungkook."

He placed the other two letters on the table and opened his own. He pulled a piece of paper out. He cleared his throat and began reading it.

"Dear Seokjin hyung,

I'm sorry that I didn't inform any of you about me leaving, but I'm going to be gone for a while. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to do. But I do hope that you guys stay where you are and won't try to find me. I need some times alone. I need to sort things out. With much love, Yoongi.

P.S: Please give the other letters to their receiver, it will be much appreciated."

Seokjin sat down slowly as a stream of tear rolled down his cheeks. "Guys... I think... I think... Yoongi...He..." Seokjin croaked as he folded the paper.

"He left...." Namjoon finished Seokjin's sentence with a sigh.
Everyone sat silently and began to eat. "Hoseok, why don't you deliver the letters to Jungkook and Minji? I have to sit in the pit of sadness for a day..."

Hoseok nodded and sighed, "Whatever you say, hyung..."


The bright sunlight poured into the spacious white room as the white curtains flew in the air lightly letting the bright sunlight to shine directly on Jiyeon's eyelids.

Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows and turned her head away from the window. She opened her eyes and scanned over the familiar room. A knock was heard when Jungkook walked in. Jiyeon smiled in delight as he walked towards her.

"Good morning Kookie Oppa~~~"

Jungkook smiled at her and sighed heavily. Jiyeon cocked her head to one side and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jungkook sat down on the stool next to Jiyeon's bed and held her hands. He clasped it hard as he sighed, "Yoongi hyung... He left..."

The smile disappeared on Jiyeon's face as a frown appeared on her face.

"Where did he go? Do you know?"

Jungkook shook his head and sighed, "No, I don't know... He didn't tell any of us..."

"Ah... I see..." Jiyeon said as she stared down at the white bed sheet covering her body.

Jungkook looked at the paper bag setting on the bedside table and picked it up. "Jiyeon, where did you get this?"


Jiyeon looked up at the blue paper bag and shook her head. "I don't know."

Jungkook gave it to her and said, "I think this is for you. You should check it out."

Jiyeon nodded and took the bag over. She looked into the paper bag and took an envelope and a box out. She examined the envelope and gasped.

"Kookie. This is from Yoongi!"

Jiyeon opened the envelope and grabbed the letter out. She unfolded the paper and scanned over the letter.

"Dear Jiyeon,

I'm sorry that I didn't go to the hospital to visit you. I have my reasons.... I'm really sorry that I had brought all these troubles upon you... I am really really really sorry... I'm going to leave Korea... I'm going to transfer to somewhere else... Somewhere away from you guys... I hate to say it, but I'll be gone for awhile. It maybe be a month or a year or forever... I don't want to bring any more troubles for you or the rest of the gang... I've already made you suffer enough... I'm sorry for leaving, but it's the best thing I can do to help you. Sorry....I hope you can enjoy your life with the rest of BTS and DAMN. I'm sorry for leaving, but I have to...

P.S: I brought you a box. It was supposed to be a birthday gift for later, but I have to give it to you prior your birthday... I hope you like it... Again, I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, but I had no choice. Thank you for always being my sunshine. I love you.

Love, Yoongi."

Jiyeon trembled as she grabbed the box out. She untied the ribbon on the box and opened it. She cried as she saw the aqua-blue-turtle necklace. She held the box to her chest and cried.

"Oh... Why? Yoongi... Why?"

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his hands on Jiyeon's back. "It's okay, I'm here... I'm here..."

Jiyeon wrapped her arms around Jungkook's neck and cried, "He left.... And he might not come back..."

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now