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Minji rolled her eyes and placed her phone into her backpack. Namjoon stared at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Minji sighed and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. She pouted and mumbled, "It's my stupid brother... He said he wants me to go meet him at a café later..."

Namjoon nodded and flipped his book to the next page and began taking notes on it. "When are you going?"

Minji rested her head in the crook of her arms and groaned, "Right after this review session... I really want to study, but my brain is telling me that my stupid brother has some important things going on..."

Namjoon rested his pen on the  desk and tapped Minji on the shoulders.

"You can go. I think Yoongi Hyung wouldn't look for you if he doesn't have anything important to tell you. Don't worry about studying. I'll help you catch up later. Just go to your brother okay?"

He gave her an assuring smile and showed his dimples. Minji smiled happily and poked a finger into his dimples.

"Got it. I'll go to him now. Have fun studying."

Namjoon nodded and helped her pack her stuff up.

"Thanks Joonie." She said as she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"You're welcome."

Minji bowed at him and turned around and walked out of the library.

Once she got out of the library, she took her phone out and dialed the number to the only person on her favorite list: "Stupid idiot"

Yoongi: "Yah! When are you done with Namjoon?"

Minji grunted and yelled into her phone, "Yah! Is that how you begin a conversation with someone? I have a name you know."

Yoongi: "I learnt it from you."

Minji frowned and said coldly, "If you don't have anything to do with me. I'm going back to Namjoon."

Yoongi: "Wait! Don't! I have something important to talk about."

Minji rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "Well, you better hurry up and come to the library to pick me up. I have to study for my exams you know? Not like you, always free."

Yoongi: "I'm going to the library now. Don't leave that place."

Minji cocked her head to one side and said, "Well, why would I leave? Just hurry up. I need to study."

Yoongi: "I see you, hurry up and hop in the car."

Minji hang up on Yoongi and walked towards to his car. She opened the shot gun seat door and sat down.

"Sup, sis."

Yoongi greeted her as he flicked on the right turn light. Minji furrowed her eyebrows and sighed, "Just hurry up."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and said, "Okay okay. We're leaving now."

Minji looked at the views outside of the window. For some reasons she is not feeling well. She feel like something horrible is going to happen. She can feel the tense in the atmosphere between him and her. She knows something is wrong.

She tapped her finger on her phone restlessly and sighed as she looked back at her brother.
Her eyes widened when she sees the bruise on his face. She frowned and asked, "Who did that?"

"Did what?"

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Who left the bruise on your face."

Yoongi sighed heavily as he parked his car in a spot in front of the café. He pulled the keys out of the car and said, "Let's not talk about this right now. It doesn't matter."

Yoongi walked to the other side of his car and waited for his sister to get out of the car.

Minji opened the door and sighed as they walked into the café together.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?"

"A caramel macchiato and an Americano. Would be good."

"What size?"

"A tall cup for the macchiato, a grande for the Americano. No sugar in the Americano please."

The cashier nodded and said, "The total is $10."

Minji turned around and dragged Yoongi forward.

"You're paying. I forgot my wallet."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and took his wallet out. He insert the card into the card reader and paid for the drinks.

"May I know the name of the order?"  The cashier asked.


The cashier nodded and yelled, "A tall caramel macchiato and a grande Americano!"

The barista began making their coffee as Minji walked out to the opening seating section. She found an open table and sat down. Soon Yoongi came out of the shop with two cups of coffee and a cup of water in his hands.

Yoongi placed the cups down and then pulled his chair back and sat down. He stared at Minji as she sipped her coffee.

"Oppa, where did you get the bruise from?"

Yoongi sighed and answered, "Jungkook..."

Minji scoffed and rolled her eyes. Even though she loves her friend, but punching her brother is over the line.

"Why did he punch you?"

"I was being a jerk..."

"To whom?"

"To Jiyeon..."


Yoongi chocked up on his words and lowered his head with guilt.
"Because I want to protect her from Alice...."

Minji's eyes widened at the name 'Alice' if this world doesn't have laws. She would've died in her hands a billion times already.

"What did that bitch say?"

Yoongi sighed heavily as he pulled his phone out of his pockets.

"It's too hard to explain... Just look..."

Minji took his phone over and scrolled through his message. Her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples lightly.

"Since when had she been doing this to you?"

"Since that night where you and Nayeon got in a fight."

"That bitch... I'm going to chop her up and feed her corpse to the fishes." Minji murmured as she took another sip of her macchiato.

"What are you going to do? Let her play with you like a toy?"

"I don't know... I might have to do it... To keep Jiyeon away from her reach..."

Minji slapped her hand on the table and grabbed the water bottle. She splashed it on Yoongi's face and yelled, "When can you stop being so selfless? Jiyeon has Jungkook. You don't have to protect her by sacrificing yourself! Not with that bitch! No! I will not agree with this!"

Everybody stared at them as Yoongi wiped the water of his face. There is still water dripping down from his hair. Minji grabbed her bag and stomped away from him. She reached her hand out as a taxi came by.

"Big Hit University please. I have an emergency."

The taxi drove away as Yoongi sat there alone. Stunned by his sister's outrage.

What the hell was that?

He thought as he stood up and took his jacket off. He hopped on his car and drove.


The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now