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The man standing by the window jumped in surprise as he heard Jiyeon spoke.

"Jiyeon? What are you doing here this late?" He asked as he walked towards the door and flicked the lights on. He squat down and looked at Jiyeon. She was crying. He sighed as he wiped away her tear streak. Jiyeon didn't say anything and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Jiyeon, what's the matter?" The elder asked calmly as he rubbed the younger's back gently. Too afraid that she'll shatter in one touch.

"Why didn't you tell me about Alice? Why did you face all of that by yourself? Why?" Jiyeon croaked as a few more drops of tears rolled down her rosy cheeks. She pounded on the elder's back and asked, "Why do you have to do this for me?..."

Yoongi pulled away from her and cupped her face. He wiped her tears away gently as he said calmly, "I wanted to protect you. You are the only precious thing to me other than my family. I don't want you to get hurt from that person..."

"You're precious to me too... But you kept on avoiding me... My feelings are hurt..."

Yoongi lowered his eyes and looker at the floor. He looked back up at Jiyeon and sighed, "I know... I'm sorry for being a jerk by ignoring you, but I don't want you to get hurt because of me..."

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. You can't sacrifice yourself for me... Minji unnie will get more upset at me if you do... And if you decides to go against Alice... Remember that all of us are here for you. You never walk alone."

Yoongi's eyes widened at the mention of his sister's name. He knew what ticked her off.

Minji probably got mad at me and blamed everything on everyone... Aish... I shouldn't have told her...
Yoongi thought as he patted Jiyeon's back gently.

"Do you want me to play the song again?" Yoongi pulled Jiyeon up to her feet and asked.

Jiyeon nodded and walked towards the piano. Yoongi sat down next to her and began playing the song. Jiyeon's eyelids began to battle as Yoongi played. Finally, the sleepiness took her over and she fell asleep. She leaned sideways and rested her head on Yoongi's shoulders.

Yoongi looked at her and curled his lips into a happy grin involuntarily. Jiyeon, I will go against that bitch. For you and for myself. Yoongi thought as he continued to play his song.


After cleaning the mess from earlier, Dahyun sat on her bed as Nayeon waited for Jiyeon to show up from the balcony. Minji is still passed out after Nayeon's hand knife.

Dahyun glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall and mumbled worriedly. "It's almost curfew time... Where is Jiyeon? Dis something happen to her? Oh please be safe..."

"Dahyun, I think I see somebody walking towards this direction. It might be Jiyeon." Nayeon said as she focused her binoculars to the unknown person.

Dahyun walked out to the balcony and stared at the shadow far away. She squint her eyes and stared at the figure. "I think there are two people... Wait..."

Dahyun's eyes widened when she saw Yoongi carrying someone in his arms.

"Yah, I think that's Jiyeon in his arms. Let's go down and check."

Nayeon nodded and followed Dahyun out of the door.

Soon, Dahyun and Nayeon both went downstairs as Yoongi arrived at the entrance of the dorm building. Dahyun ran towards Yoongi and looked at the girl in his arms. She opened her mouth as Yoongi shook his head.

"She fell asleep when I was playing piano..." Yoongi whispered into Dahyun's ears as she took Jiyeon over from him.

Dahyun nodded and said in a whispering voice.

"Thank you."

Yoongi smiled and said, "It's okay."

Dahyun nodded and said, "I'll bring her upstairs. Have a good night Yoongi."

Yoongi nodded and watched the girls take Jiyeon into the building. After the three girls disappeared from his sight, he turned around and began walking back to his dorm.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated and he took it out of his pocket.

The bitch: "So... have you figure out what to do yet? The answer better be the one I wanted or I don't know what will happen to Jiyeon."

Yoongi scrunched his nose and texted back.

Yoongi: "Listen up you dumbass, I ain't letting you fool around with me. Enough is enough. If you want to fight, then fight. Stop being a bullshit and stop sending me threats. It is not going to work, and it will never work. I hope this is the end of this. Just stop, it's time for you to grow up."

Yoongi tapped the send button and continued walking.


The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now