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Dahyun opened her eyes and covered it with her arm as the blinding sunlight showered into the room. She struggled as she sat up vertically on her bed and rubbed her eyes.

When everything became clear and her eyes widened as she saw the time. It's already 7:50 A.M.

"Oh man holy shit!!!! GIRLS WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR EXAMS!!!!!!" Dahyun shouted as she climbed down the ladder.

"What???" Jiyeon mumbled as she sat up on the bed. She opened her eyes and blinked. She rubbed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. She glanced at the clock and mumbled, "Holy Cow! It's 10 minutes before the exam!!! Crap!!"
She yelled as she rolled out of her bed and ran towards the bathroom.

Nayeon got up next and walked to Minji, "Hey, Minji, wake up." She nudged her as she glanced at the clock. "It's 7:51, MINJI! Wake up for Jimin's sake!" 

"Okay, okay, geez...." Minji mumbled as she sat up and rolled out of the bed. She groaned and rubbed the back of her neck. She looked up at her surroundings and sighed, "What the hell happened to me?"

Nayeon gulped and didn't say anything. Dahyun and Jiyeon finished their daily routine and walked to their wardrobe.

Nayeon helped Minji up to her feet and walked into the bathroom to begin their daily routine.

Dahyun changed into her uniform and glanced at the clock.


Nayeon and Minji ran out and changed into their uniform as Jiyeon and Dahyun rushed out of the room. Nayeon and Minji chased after the other two and ran towards their class while praying that they won't miss the exam.


Jiyeon barged into the classroom as Professor Slim grabbed a stack of paper. Everyone stared at her as she bowed in apology. "Sorry, Professor Slim, I'm late..."

Professor Slim licked his fingers and began passing out the test. "Go find an empty seat. Take out your pencil and eraser. The test is beginning in a few minutes."

Jiyeon nodded and walked to the closest table, which is next to Jungkook, and sat down. She looked over at Jungkook and smiled at him as he flashed her a cute bunny teeth laugh.

"Ahem. I'm here you know. Ahem." Yoongi coughed as he patted Jiyeon on the head. Jiyeon and Jungkook turned around and greeted him. Professor Slim sighed as he passed the last two test packets to them and said, "Yoongi, watch them for me okay?"

Yoongi nodded and said, "Yes, I will."

Professor Slim nodded and walked back down. He glanced down at his own watch and raised his hands.

"You may begin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Now!"

The students focused all of their attention on the large packet laying on the table as Yoongi stared at Jiyeon with loving eyes.

Every action that Jiyeon does is a diamond in his eyes. Just by looking at her scratching her head in confusion; mumbling nonsense to herself; tapping her pen against the paper; and constantly brushing her hair back behind her ears made Yoongi feel happy.

He was glad that he can get closer to her, and not having to worry about Alice and her gang. He felt like there could be nothing better than this. Nothing better than staring at the girl he liked.

Well, liked.

He sighed silently at the thought of what Jungkook told him the other day.

"...I'll ask Jiyeon out after the exams week..."

He cupped his face in his hands and continued to stare at the younger girl.

I guess she'll be happier with Jungkook than when she's with me. Yoongi thought as he glanced out the window.

I wonder how the others are doing on their exam...


"Ahhh~~~ Finally over!!!"

After sitting in one spot without moving for four hours continuously, Jungkook sighed as he stretched his arms and legs out. Jiyeon hooked her arms in his arm as Yoongi followed behind them quietly.

"How did you do on the test?"Jiyeon asked as Jungkook frowned. "Jiyeon ah~~ I feel like I failed. I wanna cry...." Jungkook said as he leaned his head against Jiyeon's shoulder.

Jiyeon chuckled and ruffled his hair softly. "It's okay~~ I'm pretty sure you passed."

Jungkook nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you. I'm pretty sure you past it too."

Yoongi poked his head between the two of them and cut in between the two. "No PDA! You guys are making me feel like I'm a third-wheeler."

Jungkook teased, "You are technically one though."

Yoongi's eyes twitched and he slapped on the back of Jungkook's head. "Yah! That's not how you talk a senbae."

Jungkook rolled his tongue out mischievously and laughed. Yoongi chased behind him as Jiyeon shook her head and pressed the pad of her fingers against her temples.

Aish... Why do I have to deal with these two on a daily basis?

She looked up and shouted, "Yah!!! Wait for me!!" The two boys stopped and turned around to look at her. Both of them reached their hands out to her, and she grabbed onto both of their hands firmly.

"Let's go! The others are probably waiting for us already!"

The two boys smiled and nodded.
They are happy because she's happy; however, they don't know what is going to happen in the nearest future. They didn't know that the peace won't last for long. That all of this is just the silence before the storm.


The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now