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The sound of the morning alarm broke off and all four girls sat up on their bed.

"Girls!!! Wake up!!! It's the first day of school!!!" Dahyun shouted as she got out of her bed, and she changed into her uniform in the speed of light.

The rest of the girls changed into their Uniform as well. When Jiyeon changed, Dahyun, Minji, and Nayeon stared at her. They were shocked by how fit Jiyeon looked. Dahyun whistled and teased, "Wow! Our maknae have a nice S line."

Jiyeon tossed her top on and grabbed her skirt. "Perverts."

"Hahahaha~~~" Dahyun laughed as she walked into the bathroom.

"I'm just kidding~~ but you do have a healthy looking body though. Right girls?"

Nayeon and Minji nodded and continued with their daily routine.

After the girls got ready, Dahyun passed everyone a piece of toast with butter smeared on it. Dahyun grabbed her backpack as the rest of the girls grabbed their belongings.

"Nayeon, Minji, have fun with class~ I'm going to drop Jiyeon off at her class, so she won't get lost. Let's meet at the same place for lunch."

The girls nodded and walked down the hall to the elevator. Dahyun turned around and locked the door. She turned around and dangled her arms over Jiyeon's shoulders.

"Let's go, Maknae!"

Jiyeon smiled and followed her leader.


"What's your first class?" Dahyun asked as she walked into the music building.

"I have Rhythm and Beats first, Beginner Music Production next, Beginner Lyric Writing later, and Intermediate Vocal class last."

Dahyun nodded and stopped by a classroom.

"This is your first class~~ Good luck~~~ See you during lunch~~~" Dahyun said as she gave a light push on Jiyeon's back.

Jiyeon entered the room and sighed at the unnie outside giving her a thumbs up. She glanced around the room and saw everybody sitting next to their friend, except for a boy. She couldn't tell who he is from afar, so she decided to get a closer look. The boy lifted his head up and met her eyes. He waved at her as she smiled brightly.

Huuuu~~~ It's Jungkook oppa... Someone I know~~

Jiyeon walked towards him and sat down besides him.

"Good morning, Jungkook oppa."

Suddenly, the whole class's attention is on them, but that doesn't seems to bother Jiyeon and Jungkook.

"Morning, Jiyeon~~ Didn't know you have this class."

Jungkook said as he moved his backpack away and made space for her. Jiyeon sat down next to him and pulled her textbook, notebook, binder, and her pencil bag out.

"It's a required course for every music major students. I have to take this class to pick Intermediate Music Production next year."

Jungkook nodded and said, "I have to take this class for my intermediate dancing class next year."

Jiyeon nodded and flashed a smile at him. "Cool~~ I want to see you dance sometimes in the future."

Jungkook buried his face in his arms as the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class~~ My name is Professor Slim. Welcome to Rhythm and Beat. I am supposed to have a Teacher Assistant, where is he?"

Professor Silm looked around the room as someone walked in from the door.

"Sorry, professor, I'm late."

Jiyeon and Jungkook shot their heads up at the familiar voice and smiled at him.

Yoongi waved at them and said, "I'm going to be TA of this class. If you have any questions, feel free to come to me and ask."

The students clapped their hands as Yoongi turned towards the professor and asked, "Can I go sit next to her?"

He pointed at Jiyeon as Professor Silm followed his finger. He smiled and nodded. Yoongi bowed in appreciation and began his way up the stairs to the back and sat down next to Jiyeon.

Once again, all of the girls shot Jiyeon death glares as Yoongi and Jungkook glared back. Professor Silm cleared his throat and clapped his hands. "Students, I'm the star here. Please listen to me and look at me."

The students refocused on him as he began the lecture.

What the heck is happening? Why are Yoongi and Jungkook both sitting next to me?
Jiyeon thought as she played with her pen.

Ugh... Please don't let me spend my whole entire semester like this...

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now