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"What is it? What is it?" Dahyun and Minji leaned towards her and asked.

Nayeon pushed her non-existence air glasses and said, "Jungkook and Yoongi have a crush on Jiyeon."

Dahyun and Minji backed away from Nayeon. They knew that Jungkook was in love, but they weren't expecting Yoongi to be in love as well.

Minji scratched her head and said, "There's no way that my brother would fall for anyone. He avoided girls all throughout his life. There's no way..."

Dahyun stayed silent as Nayeon continued to say.

"I saw him staring at Jiyeon all throughout dinner time. He keeps on smiling at everything she does. It's odd. That's not like him."

The girls stared at each other in silence. The loud singing voice coming from the shower made the awkward silence even more awkward.

Suddenly, Dahyun grabbed her phone and unlocked it. She opened the messaging app and texted Hoseok.

D: "Asdfghjkl"

Meanwhile, over at the boys dorm.
Hoseok's phone vibrated as he scrolled through Dahyun's Social Media.

Hoseok tapped the notification tab and read her message. He furrowed his eyebrows at the illegible word. Unable to decipher why Dahyun sent this message he sent this back.

H: "🤔🤔What does that mean?"

D: "Dude!!!!! Big news!!!"

Hoseok raised one of his eyebrows and texted.

H: "What it it?"

D: "Nayeon just said that she noticed that Yoongi have a crush on Jiyeon."

Hoseok cocked his head to one side as he glanced over at Yoongi, who is sitting on his bed, listening to music with his headphones on.

H: "Are you sure?"

D: ".... Do you think I'll lie?"

Hoseok thought for a while and texted back.

H: "No... But it's impossible... he hates girls..."

Hoseok glanced up and looked at Yoongi again. He raised his head up and met his eyes.

"What?" He mouthed.

D: "Can you please ask him what he thinks about Jiyeon?"

Hoseok shrugged and texted back.

H: "Sure... I'll tell you the result later."

D: "Yeah... Thanks Chicken!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and laughed.

H: "You're welcome, Satan Hyun!"

Hoseok waited for Dahyun to text him back, but she left him on read.

Hoseok plugged his phone to his charger and he sat on Yoongi's bed and leaned back against his bed and glanced up at him.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now