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"Jiyeon ah~~~ we are going to be really busy today~~~ Do you mind staying home for today?" Dahyun , Nayeon, and Minji asked as they swung Jiyeon's arms as Jiyeon pouted and mumbled unhappily. "But, you guys promised me that you will take me to the shopping mall..."

Nayeon sat next to Jiyeon and wrapped her arms around her. She nuzzled her face in the crook of her neck and said, "Sorry, who knows that Taehyung will ask me to help him memorizing his script for his newest play out of the blues?"

Minji sat next to Jiyeon and said, "Yeah, Jimin asked me to go help him with his new dance moves. I have to go.... Sorry, Jiyeon... we will make it up to you."

Dahyun pulled Jiyeon away from the two girls and wrapped her arms around the maknae. Nayeon and Minji reached out for Jiyeon as Dahyun hissed at the other two girls and she cupped Jiyeon's cheeks with her hands.

"Sorry Jiyeon, but Hoseok asked me to help him with his shit and I can reject him because of the freaking puppy eyes he gave me. It will be only today. I promise. I will make it up to you."

Jiyeon sighed and said in a whisper. "Fine... Go hang out with your boyfriends without me..."She curled up into a ball and faced the wall.


Nayeon, Minji, and Dahyun cooed as they looked at their beloved maknae acting cute. Dahyun patted Jiyeon's head and said, "We're going leave now. Take care of yourself."

Jiyeon waved at them and continued to face the wall. As if she's a little puppy that got ignored by its owner. Dahyun and the girls couldn't help but look at her with loving eyes. She is too cute and precious to be left alone, but enable for Jungkook's plan to work; they have to do this.

Jiyeon sat up once the girls left. She looked up at the clock and sighed, "Today's going to be a long day... Why don't I go do something entertaining in the meantime?" She walked towards the couch and turned the TV on. "I'll just watch soap drama. There's nothing else to do anyway."


The girls ran to the center quad where all of the others are waiting. Everyone turned their heads towards the three girls and sighed. The members were worried about them not making it on time.

"Sorry, it took awhile..." Dahyun panted as she clung onto Hoseok's shoulders.

Hoseok ruffled her hair and said, "It's okay Baby, Jungkook isn't here yet."

Minji's eyes widened as she exclaimed, "What??!? He's the one that is responsible for this event and he's not here yet?"

Jimin rubbed his hands on Minji's back and said, "He was taking this confession really seriously. He ain't messing around. He's sincere, so please have patience, Hon."

Minji rolled her eyes and remained silent.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared from afar. Jimin squeezed his eyes and blocked the sun with his arm. His jaws dropped when he saw Jungkook, who is wearing a black suit with butterflies printings on it and a black silky dress-pants, walked towards them with a small bouquet of red roses in his hands.

Jungkook smiled as he walked towards them. The smile on his attractive face melted their hearts. He waved at the members and shouted, "Hyungs & Noonas!! I'm here!"

The members turned their heads toward Jungkook, and their reaction was priceless. Jin burst into tears as Namjoon rolled his eyes at him. Dahyun's eyes were attached to him as Hoseok tried to block her view. Nayeon and Taehyung both nodded approvingly as Minji looked away from him because she felt intimidated by him.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was preparing myself." Jungkook said as he ruffled his hair. He scanned around the group and nodded. "I think we can get Jiyeon out now."

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now