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"Alright, everybody. Take your camera, we are going watch the Theater students rehearse their play!!" Professor Choi said as he grabbed his camera and grade book.

The students stormed out of the classroom with the camera in his and hers hands.

After everyone left, Nayeon stood up slowly and walked towards the door. She doesn't have any friends in this class because she's really introverted, and she doesn't feel like her fellow classmates are being sincere when they wanted to be her friend.

She followed the class silently and sat down in the back row of the performance center. She sighed and rested her chin on her palm. She hates being alone, and she hates the fact that she doesn't have any friends with her.

She closed her eyes as her phone dinged.

Who would text me at this time of the day? Everyone is in class.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and read the message.

Tae: "Look up."

Nayeon looked up and didn't see anything.

NaNa: "What? I don't see anything, but a bunch of human heads."

Tae: "On the stage you pabo."

Nayeon raised her head up and looked at the stage.

Nana: "I still don't see anything..."

Tae: "Wait for it."

Nayeon rolled her eyes and shook her head.

She thought.

Nayeon picked her camera up to her eye level and adjusted it to the dark room.

Suddenly, the curtains were drawn apart and the actors and actresses began rehearsing their act.

Nayeon focused her camera on a boy, whose back is facing towards the audience.

Once the girl on the apron finished her monologue, the actors and actresses behind her began to move.

The boy turned around and smiled at the girl who just finished the monologue.

Nayeon's heart skipped a beat because she realized that the boy was Taehyung.

That should be illegal... He is too handsome for the role.

Taehyung led the girl to the center of the stage and began dancing. He looked so happy as he danced with the girl in the pink dress.

"Oh, dear, Diana. Please allow me to enter thee heart. After this dance, let's go and run away from this corrupted place."

Nayeon watched the play. She couldn't say if she enjoyed or disliked the moment.

She feels weird. Her heart speeds up at the words that Taehyung spoke and hurts when she realized that he is saying it to the girl on stage.

It's just acting, it's nothing real.

At the end of the act, Taehyung was speaking his monologue.

"I offered all my heart to you, yet thee have to break my heart. What is the point of love? What is the point of hate? Farewell, Barcelona. May I never come back again."

A stream of tear rolled down Nayeon's cheeks as she pushed the button.

She pulled her camera away and looked at the picture.

Taehyung' eyes was watery and he looked depressed.

Multiple emotions got mixed up in Nayeon's heart.

She felt angry, sad, and bitter at the same time.

She felt angry because the girl character left Taehyung's character for another person.

She felt sad because Taehyung looked so desperate for her love as she kept it away.

She felt bitter because she wish someone can tell her that she is worthy and lovable.

Her phone dinged and pulled her back to the reality. She wiped her tears away and looked down at her phone.

Tae: "Did you like the performance?"

Nana: "Yes, I loved it!!"

Tae: "I saw you cry... are you alright?"

Nana: "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Students, let's go back to class now. Print the picture and turn it in tomorrow! It's your first assignment of the year." Professor Choi clapped his hands and left the room.

The students followed him, but Nayeon stayed behind.

Taehyung hopped off the stage and walked towards her. He pulled her into his arms and patted her back.

"Sorry if I made you cry~~ I was really into character."

Nayeon smiled at him and said, "It's okay. You're really professional at it!"

Taehyung flashed a boxy smile at her and ruffled her hair.

"You should catch up with your class, they are already gone."

Nayeon nodded and said, "Alright, see you later in the hangout spot!"

He nodded and waved as she walked out of his sight.

She's really weird, but I love it.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now