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"Students, pick a partner! You are making a special dish with lamb sauce today! If you failed this task, then you are out of this advance cooking class! Hurry! Now!"

Professor Ramsay screamed as Dahyun got onto her feet and ran towards the only person she knows in this class.

Kim Seokjin.

The two ran to a stovetop and pulled the recipe that Ramsay gave them.

Seokjin went to grab the ingredients while Dahyun went to grab the pots and pans they will need.

They came back to the countertop and washed their hands.

"Seokjin, you cook. I'll prepare the ingredients." Dahyun said as she pulled out a kitchen knife and a chopping board.

Seokjin nodded and poured some olive oil into the pan and waited for it to heat up.

After Dahyun prepared all the ingredients. She handed it all to Seokjin and he cooked it.

Ramsay walked around and observed certain groups. When he walked by Dahyun and Seokjin. He didn't yell at them and nodded approvingly.

Dahyun smiled at Seokjin as he plated the lamb and began making the legendary Ramsay Lamb Sauce.

Soon, they finished their lamb dish and were the first group to finish.

Seokjin and Dahyun brought the plate to Ramsay and passed him a fork and a knife.

He taste the lamb and nod his head approvingly.

"Very good! I love how this Lamb Sauce taste! An A for the taste and an A for effort. Next!"

Seokjin and Dahyun took the apron off as they heard a sharp crack.

"Where is the lamb sauce?! You're out of this class! An F for you, you, you, you, and you! Get out of my face right now!"

The students ran off as Seokjin and Dahyun shrugged. It was none of their business anyways.

"Dahyun, do you mind going to the principle office with me?"

Dahyun shook her head and said, "No, I don't mind. As long as we make it back before lunch, we're good."

Seokjin smiled and nodded.


Dahyun smiled and said, "You're welcome, oppa."


"Namjoon, do you want to work on this together?"

Minji asked as she sat down next to Namjoon, who is trying to do the same worksheet as her.

Namjoon cocked his head to one side and said, "Sure~~ This worksheet is meant to be finished with someone anyways."

Minji opened her textbook and placed the worksheet on the table. She took her pen out and began working on it.

"English has the same root as..."

Minji scratched her head and groaned,"Why is this so hard???"

She turned over to Namjoon and asked, "Namjoon, do you know the answer for this?"

"Huh?" Namjoon leaned over to Minji as she pointed at the question.

Namjoon chuckled as he answered the question.

"English has the same root as German."

Minji clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Woah!!! Awesome!! Where did you find that?"

Namjoon pointed at the section that explained the difference and the connection between English and German and said, "There."

"Oh! Thank you."

Namjoon scratched his head and said shyly.

"You're welcome."

After Minji finished the worksheet, she packed her things into her backpack and turned around to Namjoon.

"Namjoon, I'm going to look for Jimin. I'll see you later at the hangout spot."

Namjoon nodded and watched her leave. He pulled a book out and thought.

Minji, when will you realize that Jimin likes you too?


"Jimin, how was the move I just did?"

Hoseok asked as he sat down next to Jimin, who is drinking water and chilling beside him.

He gave him a thumbs up and passed a water bottle to him.

"Here, you rest, I dance."

Jimin stood up and began dancing.

"Jimin~~ Hoseok~~"

Hoseok and Jimin turned their heads to the door and smiled as a girl walked in.

"Hey, Minji, what's up?"

Minji walked in and gave Hoseok a fist bump and Jimin a hug.

"Just turned in my worksheet for language history class and decided to stop by."

"I see..." Hoseok said as he gulped down his water.

"Minji, I've heard from Yoongi hyung that you are really good at dancing. Is it true?" Jimin asked as he stretched his arm out.

Minji's face became red at the sudden question. She nodded hesitatingly and said, "I'm not that good... But, I'm better than Yoongi!"

Hoseok laughed and nodded.

Jimin lowered his head and then raised up and looked at Minji in the eyes.

He reached his arm out and asked, "Do you want to dance with me, Minji?"

Minji nodded and held his hand.

"Let's do this."

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now