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"Ughhhhh.... Finally off work...."

Yoongi groaned as he rotated his arms and neck. He heard a little cracking noise and sighed, "Ahhh... Better..."

He turned his computer off and sighed, "I could've waited until my senior year to come here even though it's a good thing that Professor Slim offered me this job."

Yoongi grabbed his car keys and his black hoodie. He walked out of the studio and locked the door behind him. He hopped in his car and started the engine. He turned the volume of the radio up as he drove past a small gift shop and an idea popped up in his head.

I wonder what does Jiyeon like other than food. If I buy her a necklace, would she like it?

Before his mind made a decision, his hand already made the decision for him. He turned left into the plaza of where the shop is at. He parked his car and walked into the small gift shop.

"Welcome, what can I get for you?"

The person whom Yoongi assumed to be the shop owner said as he walked towards him with a welcoming smile on his face.

Yoongi smiled back at him and said, "I'm looking for small accessories for my friend." The thought of Jiyeon smiling at the gift he is about to buy warmed his heart. He could almost feel her arms wrapping around his body.

The man smiled and asked, "First crush?"

Yoongi blushed lightly and shook his head in denial.

"No, she's just a friend of mine."

The man chuckled and looked around the small shop.

"It's quite obvious. The face you just made, it's a sign that you like her."

Yoongi cocked his head to one side and questioned himself.

Is it really that obvious? If it is then Nayeon probably noticed it... Fuck...She's definitely going to tell my sister and the girls... Ahhh shit....

While he was stuck in his own little mind, the shop owner said, "If you don't know what she likes, describe what she is to me. Maybe I can help you choose the best gift."

"Huh?" Yoongi asked as he looked up at the ceiling of the shop and closed his eyes. A image popped up in his head as he opened his mouth and began to speak.

"She is a tad bit shorter than me. She has long black hair with some brown hair as highlight. She has a pair of clear and small eyes and a bright, cute smile. She reminds me of a friendlier version of my younger sister. She makes me want to protect her from any harm that comes her way."

Yoongi opened his eyes again and saw the shop owner holding onto a necklace with an aqua blue colored sea turtle hanging on it.

"What do you think about this one? It sounds like she's a really sweet girl."

The shop owner walked to the cashier and scanned the tag of the necklace. "20 bucks."

Yoongi took his wallet out and paid for it.

The man placed the necklace into a box and then put the box into a bag.

"Here you go. Good luck with the girl~~"

Yoongi nodded and waved at him.

"Thank you."

The man nodded and smiled at him as he left.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now