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"Namjoon!!! Seokjin hyung!!!" Hoseok shouted as he ran around the room.

"What?!" Seokjin asked as he ran out from the bathroom.

"Jiyeon is missing!!! Dahyun asked me to tell you guys that she needs help finding her."

"Omo!!!" Seokjin gasped and grabbed his room keys.

"Namjoon!!! Let's go!!! Hoseok, call the maknaes!!!"

Hoseok nodded as he ran out the door with Namjoon following him.
He dialed Jungkook's number and waited for him to pick up.

J: "Hey, Hoseok hyung, what's up?"

H: "Jungkook, get Jimin and Taehyung!! Jiyeon is missing!!"

"What?!?! Jiyeon is missing?!?!" Jungkook stood up and bumped his head on the bottom of the top bunk. He winced and rubbed his head as he got out of his bed.

Jimin and Taehyung glanced up at him and looked really serious.

H: "Go meet up at the center quad! We will pair up there."

"Got it! We're leaving right now."
Jungkook said as he grabbed his keys and ran towards the door. Jimin and Taehyung followed him and left the room.


Soon, the group met up in the center quad. With the girls arriving first, then the maknaes, and lastly the hyungs.

Seokjin panted and asked, "What's the plan?"

Dahyun said, "Let's separate into different groups. Namjoon, you can go with Jin oppa and cover the music buildings. Nayeon, you and Taehyung can go to the theater buildings and check if she's there. Jimin, you can go with Minji to the Humanities Building and check. Jungkook, you can follow Jimin or act solo. Hoseok, you are coming with me to the Engineering Building. If anyone found her, text in the group chat and take a picture."

They nodded and parted in separate ways.

Jungkook ran forward and thought.

Yoongi hyung is not here with the gang... Which means he is napping somewhere... Usually, he would go to a special place and nap... Maybe... Maybe Jiyeon's with him...

Jungkook fastened his pace and ran towards the library. He walked inside the building and searched around.

Jiyeon? Jiyeon? Where are you?

Jungkook thought as he walked around the library. Then he turned left and saw Yoongi. Across from him, there is a girl.

Jungkook tiptoed towards them as he thought.

Please let it be Jiyeon... Please let it be Jiyeon...

Jungkook stopped by the table and sighed in relief.

Thank god it is Jiyeon...

He took his phone out and took a picture of them napping next to each other in the library and texted to the group chat.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now