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After the dance, Jimin and Minji separated from each other. They are both nervous, and they are both happy.

Hoseok took his phone out and glanced at the time. He stood up at the text message that Dahyun has sent him.

"Guys, time to go to the meet up place."

Jimin held onto Minji's hand and dangled his other arm over Hoseok's shoulders.

"Let's go~~~ Onwards to the hangout place."

Minji lowered her face and smiled at the hand Jimin is holding onto.

Oh my gosh!!!! He's holding onto my hand!!! Ah!!!! Butterflies flying everywhere!!!

While Minji is fighting her inner demon as Jimin stared at her. He looked at the blushing girl and thought.

This is so adorable!!! I want to hold her hand and make her blush like this everyday!!!

Soon, they arrived outside of the cafeteria at the center quad. Dahyun and Seokjin are waiting for the others to show up.

Dahyun raised her head up and waved at them as Seokjin smiled at them.

"Wow wow Wow!! What do we have here? Our Min Minji finally have her dreams come true~~"

Jimin released her hand and looked up at the sky awkwardly as Minji blushed and looked down on the ground.

"Hahahaha~~~ You guys are adorable!! I ship it!!" Dahyun shouted as she ran towards Hoseok.

"Hoseok!!! You sucker! I told you so! Give me $20!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket and took his wallet out. He pulled a twenty dollar bill out, something fell on the floor as the money was pulled out.

Dahyun bent down and picked it up. It was a picture of her eating ice cream.

"Why do you have this picture?"

Minji snickered as she tapped Jimin on the shoulders.

"Hey, you promised me to go on a date if she found the picture. And she did. Where's my date?"

Jimin blushed and said, "Uhhhh.... Tomorrow?"

Minji nodded happily as Dahyun stared at her.

"You gave him the picture?"

Minji nodded as she began running around in circle.

"Ya!!! You stop right there!!! I promise I won't kill you!!!"

"Hahaha~~~" Minji laughed as she ran into someone. Minji looked up at the person and blushed.

It was Namjoon.

He caught her from falling and said, "What the heck happened?"

Dahyun shook her head and panted.

"Don't worry about it... It's girls stuff."

"Really?" Namjoon asked suspiciously.

Dahyun nodded.

The Daily Life of D.A.M.N Book 1 (Part 1) #Watts2017 #BTSAwardsCompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now