Chapter 1

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Author's POV

Soohyun lived peacefully with her family. But an unexpected happened, Her mom died. There were a nonstop sobbing. They were all crying, Her dad, her grandparents, her relatives, and her friends. Now she's left with her drunkard father.

Soohyun's POV

Mom is gone now, Huhu. Change topic now... Weekends are over, Whyyy?!?
Anyways, I took a shower and changed into my uniform. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. Now, Im ready to go to another trip to HELL.


I came to school and I just saw few students walking. I guess Im too early? I looked at my watch and it was still 6:23 am. Well, Atleast I have time to study. I went inside my classroom and no one was in there.

"No one would disturb my studies, Good," I whispered to myself.

While I was studying, I think I wasn't focusing at all. I've been thinking about the memories of me and mom together like for an hour, tears starting to roll into ny cheeks.


"Oh looks who's crying!" The bitches came in, I mean the girls.

I immedietly wiped my tears using my hankerchief.

"Oh, The girl who's mom died is crying! What a story, Im about to cry!" Mhea, one of the bitches, I mean girls again, acted like she was about to cry then smirked.

"Why'd you care about me anyways?" Then I went out the classroom but they pulled my hair and I went back in.

"Ooh, Look who's brave," They ooo-ed. They were slapping me hard in the Face until my cheeks turned red. They were about to kick me when Mrs. Lee entered the room, then by boys, Handsome and hot boys. We all froze, and got back to our seats.

"Okay class, I want you to know.." She paused for a bit, "Soohyun, Why is your cheeks redish? Did someone slapped you?" Tf, she noticed it. The bitches, I mean the girls again (Really Soohyun😂 - Author-nim) was making a 'Dont you tell the truth or We'll kill you' look.

"Uhh" I answered nervously. "No one slapped me, Mrs Lee, Its just.." I dont know what to excuse Ugh

"She told us lately Mrs Lee that she slapped herself," Yunnie, Mhea's bestfriend, answered. I HATE YOU BITCH, WHY WOULD I SLAP MYSELF?!?

"Okay then.. I want you to know you will have new classmates." She looked at the Boys, "Please Introduce yourselves, Boys."

"Hiii, I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Hey I'm Kim Namjoon."

"My name is Jung Hoseok, But call me Jhope, Im your angel, Im your Hope." (So Formal Hoseok - Author-nim)

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im Kim Seokjin."

"Im Min Yoongi." (So Cold Yoongi - Author-nim)

"Heyy Ladies, Im Park Jimin, Your all hot as Hell," then he winked. Woahhh!

"Yo, Im Jeon Jungkook. Can I have fun with that girl tonight?" then he pointed at me. Okay, I can feel that my cheeks are burning. But such a Byuntae!

"Enough," Mrs Lee said. "Please go to your seats." She gave them papers, I think its written on it.

"Hey." Okay, I heard a boy's voice. I slowly turned around, and saw..


Who is he?!? Omooo, I wanna know. XD, I already Knowwww😂

Feel my sarangs!



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