Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV

Channie told me to meet her at the park. *Sigh*

Soohyun's POV

Jungkook Oppa told me that his friends needs him, he said he will be going home late. I hope he's not lying this time..

Well, Im alone at my house right now.. My dad traveled to Palawan.. #ForeverAlone lol jk, I have Jungkook.

Anyways, I dont have anything to do in here, I'll be going on Jimin's dorm.


"Dingdong!" I ring the doorbell.

Someone opened the door and I saw Jimin, he's half naked..

"Come In Baby," he told me.


"Uh Thanks," I went in.

"Can we talk at my room? I wanna tell you something important..." he asked.

"Ohh sure."

We went inside his room, and it smells like.. Jimin... Of course😂😂

"Uh by the way Jimin, Im sorry for.. Hurting you."

"Nah its Fine baby."



"Omo THANKS JIMIN-AH!" I hugged him, He hugged me back.. I can feel his heavy breathing in my neck..

"Soohyun?" He broked the silence but were still both hugging each other.


"Can I.. Have fun with you.. Again?"

"H-have fun..?"


I broke the hug. "Uhh Jimin.."


I kissed him. I dont know why did I do that, But my mind wants to.

He was kissing me back, I wrapped my arms around his neck while he was holding my waist. We kissed each othet until we ran out of oxygen but we didn't stop until we got naked.

(After an HOUR)

I woke up naked with Jimin by my side. "Hey Honey."

"Uhh Jimin.. Im sorry It was just an acciden---" He pecked my lips. "Its fine Honey, I love it anyways."

"You whaaaat?"


Hey lovelies! Sorry for another short short short chapter.. Im so lazy right now.. Im tired, Because of my examination Ughh.

Feel my sarangs!



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