Chapter 31

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up so early, 5:27 AM.

Okay maybe not early.

I went downstairs to make coffee. “Hmm caramel or chocolate? caramel? chocolate? caramel or chocolate?”

I want caramel but I also like chocolate.

I ended up drinking caramel and chocolate coffee. “Shall I make breakfast for her while she's still asleep?” I thought.

I opened the cabin and saw a box of pancakes. (uncooked pancakes*)

“Aha! I'm making pancakes!” I smiled widely. “B-but how...”

I pouted. “Aish nevermind. I'll just watch it on youtube.”

“Scramble the eggs and put one cup of flour— Nonono! I did not put the whole flour unto the bowl, I did not! Fuck.”


Soohyun's POV

I woke up from Jungkook cursing downstairs.

Is he alright?

I stood up and got into the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth and washed my face.

After, I walked out of the bathroom when I saw Jungkook lying down on the bed with a tray on the table.

“Good morning Soohyunnie,” he sat down. “And uhm.. I cooked pancakes for you.”

“Pancakes?! Yesssssssssssssss!” I sat beside Jungkook and started munching.

“Jwungkwookwie, I hweard ywou cwursing lwately. Is evwerything alrwight?” I asked him while my mouth is still full.

“wait what? You heard me? Uhm yeah I was cursing because.... Why not? Hehehe.” he awkwardly laughed.

I just raised my right eyebrow and continued eating. “Aren't you gonna eat?”

He shook his head, “No.”


He nodded.

“How about if I do this..” I sliced the pancake into half and put it inside my mouth. Then I kissed him, passing the pancake into his mouth.

What if he is disgusted on my sudden action? I thought. What should I do??

After passing the pancake, I bit his bottom lip. Then I went downstairs to drink water, more like to get out of this awkward atmosphere.

Jungkook's POV

She did not do that.. She did not...

I ate the pancake she passed. I'm not bothered if she did that.

But what happened to her? She's not like that. But I'm not saying I don't like it.


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