Chapter 42

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Jungkook's POV

I feel Soohyun trying to move without waking me up.

"Kook? Let me go for awhile, just gonna brush my teeth." she whispers into my ear.


"But I have a bad breathe—"

"I don't care."

She was about to stand up but I pulled her back beside me, then I wrapped my arms around her.

"kOoKiE pLeAsE i bAdLy wAnT tO bRuSh mY tEeTh tHeN wAsH mY fAcE tHeN pRePaRe bReAkfAsT tHeN—"

"Then cuddle with me?" I winked at her.

She raised her left eyebrow. "What?"

"Then you're gonna act like a deaf again?" I went near her face; both of our nose in contact.

"N-No... Let m-me brush my t-teeth f..first..." then she stood up, I didn't stop her because I know that she wants to brush her teeth *laughs*


"Jungkookie~" Soohyun sang from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready hihihi"

Fucking kyeopta.

"Coming babe!" I washed my face, but my shirt got wet—I quickly took my shirt off and headed downstairs.

Soohyun woudn't mind right?

I saw her preparing plates on the table. "Kookie-ah can you turn the television on becaus—WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR SHIRT?!"

I laughed at her reaction.


"Upstairs." I answered her as I sat unto the chairs and started eating.

I was about to eat the bacons when a shirt flied from nowhere was thrown into my face.

"Is it raining shirts?" I asked Soohyun. Where the hell did this shirt came from?

Now she started laughing. "Oh yes kook it's raining shirts. It will stop if you wear one."

I followed what she said. I wore the shirt that landed in my face and in my suprise, the raining of shirts stopped.

"Oh babe, you're right. It stopped. Nice." I gave her two thumbs up then continued eating.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Soohyun started rolling on the floors, laughing so hard.

"What's funny?" I continued munching.

"Nothing omg hahahahahaha!"

I stared at her, as she laughs on her butt.


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