Chapter 36

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Unknown: hello there! ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

Soohyun: um hi, hu r u

Unknown: oh I'm Taehyung( ˘ ³˘)♥

Soohyun: Hi Taehyung—familiar name.

Soohyun: what do u need anyway?

Taehyung: sorry about my friend earlier. He thought you were me(ღ˘ω˘ღ)

Soohyun: oh, that Baekhyun. So ur Taehyung he's talking to. Okok it's alright. No need to sorry.

Taehyung: ok so gtg thanks btw╮(╯▽╰)╭

Soohyun: np

I stood up from the sofa and turned on the television. “so boring boring shows, no fun.” I turned it off.

“I'll just go for a walk.” I went upstairs and changed into a comfortable one; white crop-top then jogging pants.

I went outside and wore my shoes, then started walking. Earphones plugged in.

I have walked through the whole village so I thought of eating because I'm so hungry. I went into the nearest convinience store.

I bought ramen and sat unto one of the convinience's seats. I then started eating when my phone rang.


“Sweetie it's me.” Jungkook said.

“Oh Hi Kookie!”

“Well where are you?”

“I'm at the convinience store eating. Are you home?”

“Yeah. And I was worried because you're not here. After eating, go home quickly ok?”

“Ne. Ily!”

“I love you too!” he then hang out.

I quickly ate all of the ramen and went outside to get home.

“Jungkook-ah, I'm homeee!” I shouted.

Then I saw him running downstairs. “Hello babyyy!” he kissed my forehead.

“How was your day with your cousin?” I asked.

“It's great. And btw, how did you get into the convinience store?”

“Oh well I was bored and the shows on tv are more boring so I took a walk and ended up eating cause I was hungry.”


“By the way babe, this Baekhyun texted me and he thought I was that Taehyung and I was cofused but in the end he apologized and said everything was wrong send then afterwards this Taehyung texted me and apologized about his friend  and he chats like a kid and I think he's not a human.”

“Woah who's that Taehyung and Baekhyun?”

“Boi we just met. I don't even know their faces. Baekhyun might be in 20's while Taehyung is maybe 3 years old.”

“oh ok sorry.”

I laughed. “Today was really weird though.”


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