Chapter 25

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Soohyun's POV

Ahh, thank you for coming you all. We hope you all will enjoy tonight's party. Thank you.” the emcee said.

“shall we eat now, babe?” Jungkook put kinds of food in my plate. While he was busy putting, the emcee sat beside me then smiled. I just smiled back.

“eat now babe.” Kook said.

While I was eating, I felt something touching my thighs. I went to look at it, and saw the emcee's hand. He squeezed it, making me gasp quietly.

Jungkook's busy eating, what shall I do?

I didn't mind the emcee's hand, thinking he'll give up.

But he's about to touch my womanhood—

“YAH!” Jungkook punched him, causing the emcee to fall down. People then stared at us, shocked.

“Don't ever touch my girlfriend!” then Jungkook pulled me outside, going home for now.

“t-thank you..u..” I said while he was turning the engine on. “Call me next time.”

Arasseo o-oppa..” I replied, looking at the window.

We arrived safely. Jungkook was the first who went outside the car then opened my door. I blushed at how he became a gentleman suddenly.

He went to shower, while I collapsed at the sofa.

I checked my phone and..

[1 new notification!]

I clicked it, then I found out that it was Taehyung.

Taehyung: Annyeong noona?

Soohyun: Hello Taetae~

Taehyung: are you with Jungkook right now?

Soohyun: Yes, why?

Taehyung: oh, nothing hehe..

I smiled at how cute Taehyung was. Then I saw Jungkook staring at me, half naked, wearing a towel on the bottom. “why are you smiling?”

“Nothing. Just chatting with someone.”

“With who?” he asked.

Taehyung.” I chuckled. He's so cute like an alie—”

He pushed me to the wall and crashed his lips unto mine. I don't know but I kissed back.

The kiss lasted 5 minutes.

Then we separated, catching our breathes.

I breath heavily, while Jungkook was pouting in front of me.

“what was that for? My head hurts, you pushed me on this wall.” I glared while touching my head.

“Are you happy because of Taehyung? Am I not enough?” I swear he's pouting even more.

“Yah, you jealous?”

He nodded, “cause you're mine. I don't want other people making you smile. I'm the only one who could make you happy.”

I blushed at his statement. “Yah, you're just sleepy. Go to sleep now.”

He dragged me to the room, turning the lights off, then hugging me in the bed. “Let's sleep together.” he yawned.

wait— I haven't take the shower yet. I'll be stinky.”

“I don't care. Just sleep.” he said, eyes closed.

“can't you sleep without me?”

“I can. I just don't want you to sleep late because of you chatting with that Taehyung. I'm making sure you'll sleep early. Don't even try sneaking from me.” he hugged me tighter.

“Fine.” I headed to my dreamland.

“Good babe.” he replied.

“Babe?” he asked. “hey? babe? Soohyun?”

‘is she asleep already?’ Jungkook thought.

“Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook—”

“mhm?” I answered sleepily.

I could feel Jungkook smiling behind. “Nothing. Go to sleep. Good night and sweetdreams babe.” he kissed my hair and went to sleep too.


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