Chapter 39

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Soyeon's POV

I woke up because of a loud noise. I sat up and saw Jungkook snoring.

"Jungkook, quit snoring. You're so noisy, I can't sleep."

But he didn't answer.

I shook his body lightly, "Kookie?"


"I ken't sleeeep, u very nosey because u snore-snoring!" I tried doing aegyo.

He laughed.

"What?" I raised my left eyebrow.

He sat beside me and pinched my cheeks. "Aww Jwungkwook pwease stwop! My chweeks huwt!"

"Ahh~ kyeopta, jinjjaeyo?" he said as he lets go of my cheeks.

I held both of my cheeks, imagining that my cheeks went red real bad.

"Jungkook, is my cheeks red?" I asked him, still holding my cheeks.


Did my cheeks became red because Jungkook pinched it so hard or am I just blushing because he called me cute?

"What's wrong Soohyun?" he asked worriedly.

"What? What's wrong? " I asked him back, confused.

"Nevermind. Let's go back to sleep now." he pulled me unto the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Goodnight sweetie."

"What, again?"

"Are you deaf??" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" Since when did I became deaf?!?

"What the actual fuck you're really deaf now!!" He hugged me so tight then he started doing things in his hands.

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