Chapter 26

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Third Person's POV

Soohyun woke Jungkook up.

“Kook? Wake up.”

Jungkook just groaned and moved to the other side, his back facing Soohyun.

After some minutes, it went silent.

YAH I SAID RISE AND SHINE!!” Jungkook's body suddenly shooked like he was hitted by a thunder.

He sat, pouting while his eyes closed.

“Aish, sleepy head.” Soohyun stood up, but was quickly grabbed by him. Look who's talking.” Jungkook said then pecked her lips.

“What was that for?” Soohyun asked.

“Morning kiss.” he simply replied.

“Dirty mouth ew! Go brush your teeth! I'll brush my teeth again later, your bad breathe might transfer in mine.” Soohyun joked.

“mhm, gwood mworning. Wat aw yu up to?” Jungkook asked while brushing his teeth.

“I don't know. Maybe I'll think later. For now, let's eat.” Soohyun then dragged him downstairs after Jungkook drying his face.


Soohyun's POV

“Eat now hehe.” I awkwardly told Jungkook.

“Eat too.” he tapped his lap, ordering me to sit in there.

I followed what he ordered, I sat on his lap while eating.

His chin rested on my shoulder, his hot breathe tickling my neck.

“why aren't you eating?” I asked, not facing him.

I'm not hungry.” he replied.

“What? Yah! Even if you're hungry or not, you have to eat.” I scolded.

“yea yea, sure.” he then backhugged me tightly.

“you're making me horny babe.”


Minji's POV

I love, saturdehh~ oh I love, saturdehh! ‹ I sang.

I don't know what to do with life right now~

I opened my phone and read wattpad for awhile.

“Boringg~” I closed my phone and went to shower.


what shall I wear? mmm” I picked loads of clothes.

I wore them one by one, until I finally found one.

I went to face the mirror.

“Denim Jacket, check! White crop-top, check! High-waist shorts, check! Timbers, check! I'm ready.” I smiled. “Let's visit Soohyun for awhile, I miss her af.”

I went outside the house and went into the car. “Oppa, please bring me to Soohyun's house. Road 2, ****** street.” I told the driver.

He drooled, then nodded.

I just chuckled at his sillyness.

We arrived safely. Kamsahamnida oppa! Fetch me at 4 PM, arasseo?”

Then the car left.

I pressed the doorbell, making a sound.

The door then opened, Jungkook in front of me, shirtless.

My jaw dropped. He just smirked.

I awkwardly cleared my throat. “is Soohyun here Jungkoo—”

“YAH WHERE'S YOUR SHIRT? I TOLD YOU WHEN THERE'S A VISITOR, YOU SHOUDN'T BE SHIRTLESS—” She stopped when she saw me. “Minji!!!” she then hugged me.

I hugged her back.

Jungkook coughed, then went upstairs, probably gonna wear a shirt.

“Minji, bogo shipda!” she smiled.

“Nado bogo sipeo Soohyun-ah~” I smiled back.

“so how's life?” she asked.

“coudn't be better. How about yours? I heard that you and Jimin just broked up.”

Jungkook cleared his throat.

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