Chapter 46

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Third Person's POV

(At the party);;

Soohyun came on time, she heard people shouting and laughing, they were all having fun. Sound of cups hitting other cups. People jumping by the stage. Disco lights and random musics were clearly heard.

"Soohyun!" A familiar voice called her. She quickly turned her head and saw her friends.

"Heya peeps." Soohyun greeted her friends.

"Drink?" One of them asked her.

She nodded, accepting the drink.

"You look burnin' hot girl. I bet other guys will drool at ya." Janna said.

"I know." She stood up. "Just gonna retouch my make up. Be right back."

She went at the comfort room that smells alcohol. "Ishhh, stupid janitors. Don't they clean?" She murmured.

She put her small purse at the sink and got her face powder, she then faced the mirror and started putting it on her face.

"Afteeerrrr is.. Lipstick!" She said, putting it on her lips.

She combed her hair, then put back everything at her purse. She looked at her reflection one last time and was about to go out when the door opened, and a drunk man entered.

"What the fuck? This cubicle is for women, you stupid dumbass." She said as she turned her back.

"What did you call me?" The man whispered. She doesn't know if the man did it on purpose or his familiar voice does really sound sexy.

As the voice sank unto her mind, she froze. She quickly turned around and faced the man.

Her eyes widened.

"What have you done to yourself, huh?" The man grabbed her back inside the comfort room and locked the door. "Look at yourself!"

"B-But how.. I t-thought.." Soohyun didn't finished her sentence when she quickly hugged the man.

"Am I d-dreaming? If I am so, I d-don't wanna wake up a-anymore.." She said, whispering. "You don't know what had become of me when you disappeared, J-Jungkook.."


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