Chapter 30

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[ author; sorry for the long update. My storage got full and I don't have some other choice but to uninstall wattpad. So stupid right? But it's okay for now. Hope y'all understand me, enjoy~ ]


Soohyun's POV

Ahh~ the water is so cold.

“Aish Channie is such a slut. Now I know.” Jungkook whispered unto himself while typing something on his phone.

The water went all over my body, coldness was spreading.

“nah I don't care bout her. From now on, I'll be loyal to Soohyun.” he said as he put his phone at the table and lay down on the sofa.

Coldness. My legs started to shake.

“She's so annoying to talk with. Annoying Channie hmph. Also, my baby Soohyunnie doesn't want me to talk to any other girls especially her, I'll just block her pfft.” Jungkook said as he stood up and went upstairs, leaving his phone.

“Aigoooo it's really cold. I won't take a shower anymoreee!” I said as I went outside the bathroom. I wore my PJs as fast as I can because it's warm. As I opened the door, I saw Jungkook standing.

“Umm. Hi?” I awkwardly greeted.

He just stared in response.

I raised my right eyebrow.  “Do you need anything, Ne?” I asked him.

He blinked many times and, “Ah yes, my clothes are in there. Mind if I walk inside milady?”

I chuckled at his corny statement, “Of course you can, mister.” I wink-wonk.

He just laughed then went inside. I shrugged then walked down stairs.

“mhmmmm?” I smelled something good and delicious. My tummy suddenly growled. “Aigooo, me stomach is empty.” I pouted as I followed where the smell coming from.

I ended up into the kitchen and saw lots of foods on the table. “Kookie must have prepared all of this, aww my hearteu.” I said as I ate the sushiii.

“yep I prepared all of those. Like it?” he appeared then pulled out a chair for me. “milady.” he smiled.

God please welp me.

“why do you need help? Don't you wanna seat down?” he asked.


“Ani, of course I want to seat, especially with you~” I told him then chuckled.

“then why did you seek for God's help?” he pouted even more.

“ANII STAPH. You're so cuteee~” I pinched his cheeks. He just pouted harder.

“I ain't a child anymore. Stop telling me that I'm cute even if I'm not. I'm hanseum, really. If you think that I'm cute, then I'll transform into a hot one then.” he winked.

I just went silent. “baby, u blushin'?”

I shook my head.

“why you quiet then?” I was about to answer him when my tummy growled again.

“Look's like somebody's really really hungry.” He laughed then served me food. I just pouted.

“Soohyunnie needs to be healthy. So you need to eat this, and this, and this, and this, oh and also this and this and those too.” he said.

“Ani, I'll become faaaat~” I pouted again.

“then you'll become ugly. And if you become ugly, other men won't notice you anymore. If someone would like you, WORLD WAR III.” he put lots of food in my plate.

I blushed, then tried to cover it my hiding my cheeks using my chopsticks.

“Eat.” Jungkook.

“But the food's too much. I don't want to get fat.” I frowned.

He stood up and sat beside me. He picked up my chopsticks and started scooping my food. “say aaaah?” he smiled.

I have no other choice but to follow him.


Jungkook's POV

“aigOooOoOOoOo~ I'm so full!” Soohyun stretched her arms then yawned.

Damn, she's so cute.

She stood up from her chair and went into the living room.

I didn't stop her. I just continued eating. I haven't eat for awhile because I've been babysitting Soohyun.

After eating, I picked all of the plates and started washing dishes. I wiped the table then sweeped the floor.

I went into the living room and saw Soohyun sleeping peacefully.

I just smiled. She's really cute.

I sat beside her and stared at her for awhile. I can't believe her, after everything I've done bad on her, she still accepted me.

I went nearer and nearer unto her face when she suddenly pushed my face away from her. “Don't even planning kissing me.” she said while both of her eyes closed.

“Just a good night kiss?” she didn't answered.


“hm?” I kissed her. She didn't pushed me nor replied my kiss, well.. She's really sleeping deeply. I carried her upstairs and into the room.

I kissed her forehead, “Sleep tight baby.”


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