Chapter 24

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Third Person's POV

Soohyun woke up, feeling arms hugging at her back. She turned around and saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully.

“why did you replace me from Channie, eh?” she played with his hair.

She stood up, about to open the door when someone pulls her back to bed. She later on found out that Jungkook was hugging her again, tightly than lately.

“Soohyun-ah, don't leave me.” he said while his eyes closed.

“I'm just gonna cook breakfast for us, dummy~” She laughed.

“okay, but don't leave okay?” He then let go of Soohyun.

Soohyun went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

'What shall I cook for breakfast? Hmm' she thought while picking out foods.

'Aha! Bacons mixed with eggs and pancakes with butter and cheese!' She mentally smiled.

Jungkook's POV

I smell something good.

I suddenly float in the air, following the smell. Until it brought me to the kitchen.

“are you still asleep or something?” Soohyun asked weirdly while putting plates on the table.

“what's with the good smell?” I asked her.

“Breakfast.” she replied while putting the food on our plates.

“mhum! I wanna eat now, my wife is such a chef~” I said, sitting down on the table, getting ready to eat.

“eat now. It's delicious~”

but you're more delicious” I murmured.

“huwhat dwid yu sey?” she asked while her mouth full of pancakes.

“Nothing. I said thank you for cooking.” I started eating the bacons, mhm~!

“your welcome~” she continued.

I smiled. Cute.

Jimin's POV

Soohyun left me. Now what?


“Oppa! Let's buy cotton candy~Channie dragged me to the cotton candy shop.

I don't know what's with this girl. She stinks. Soohyun's better than this slut.

“Oppa!!! Moneeyyy~” she does aegyo.

I gave her a disgust look, while paying the cotton candy.

She just pouted.

Soohyun's POV

We're at the mall right now, finding clothes for me to wear for tonight's party. Tot tot tororot

We arrived at the ladies clothes.

“Miss, is there any dresses that fits with her?” Jungkook asked the lady. She blushed, then shyly gave us a..

Sexy dress.


“Babe, wanna wear this?” Jungkook asked. “I don't mind, so” I shrugged.

“but it's too sexy—”

I grabbed the dress and quickly went to the fitting room. “It's fine~” I shouted.


I went outside the fitting room. “Jungkookieee?”

“here.” He replied. I turned around and saw him.

His eyes traveled at me from top to bottom. Then his jaw dropped.

“Hello? You still there?” then he shooked his head. “it's too sexy. We ain't buying this—”

“buy me.” I said with aegyo.


“yay! Kamsahamida kook!” I hugged him. He just smiled while paying it.

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