Chapter 43

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Soohyun's POV

The place was bright.

I can't see anything.

Am I in heaven, now?

"SOOHYUN??" My sight went to a woman and man crying.

"M-Mom? Dad?" Both of them looked at me.

"Daughter!" Dad hugged me, followed by my mom.

"I thought we'll never be able to talk to our Soohyun again." Mom.

"What? Why?" My eyebrows raised in confusion.

"We thought you're gonna die just like Jungkoo-" Mom quickly covered Dad's mouth. "We'll buy you some foods, baby Soohyun. Don't go anywhere. Bye!" Both of them exited.

My eyes roamed around the room. White walls. White ceiling. White floor. Me in a white bed. Hospital? But what am I doing in here?

Speaking of hospital...

"Where is Jungkook??" I asked the nurse beside me.

She gulped. "Jungkook? As in Jeon Jungkook?"

"No. Jungkook, as in Park Jungkook." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh um, I don't know any Park Jungkook in here."


"H-He's gone.."


"I don't wanna eat!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"But baby Soohyun, you need to eat!" Mom shouted outside my room.


She sighed. "What do you want?"

"I want Jungkook!!!"

"Just accept the truth, baby Soo. Accept that Jungkook is dead, now eat!"

I cried again. For the thousand times.

"He is not dead! He is not dead! HE IS NOT DEAD!" I pulled my hair as hard as I can.

"S-Soohyun please.. This is for your own sake, you haven't eat for s-seven days. You keep locking yourself in your room. E-Eat now, please.. We don't want you to follow Jungkook-"


I hear footsteps by the stairs, slowly fading. She must be downstairs for now.

I can't believe he is gone now. The love of my life. Mom is right, I can't accept it. BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE HIM!

Memories started appearing in my mind.

The time when he was with another girl, while I was with Jimin.

When he keep going home all drunk.

When I kept finding Jimin to make him jealous.

When he lied to me and broke up with me because of Channie.

When he made my life a living hell.

When he keep texting me, asking me if I still love him. Then I replied, yes. He asked, how much do you love me? I answered, count all the stars, that's how much I love you. But it was morning at that time, so no stars was visible.

When he broke up with Channie because he still loves me and he regret everything.

When every morning, he gives me kisses and every night, he cuddles with me.

When he thought me how to dance, then we went to the studio to practice.

When he played different musics and I can't stop dancing, his mouth was 'o'.

When everytime I cook, he backhugs me and tells me how much he loves me.

When he tells me that he's so lucky because of me.

When he gets jealous and gets over protective at me.

When he gets shirtless and laughs at my reaction.

When he thought that I was deaf.

When he thought that it was raining shirts.

When everytime I call him daddy, his eyes would widen up.

When he kissed me passionately.

When he smiles like a bunny, and pouts like a baby.

"Soohyunnie, baby, always remember that I love you okay? I love you more than you love me. I love you more than your parents do. I love you more than infinity. I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for giving me a second chance. Thank you for choosing me of all the man. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for letting me find you. I love you so much Jagiya."

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