Chapter 4

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Soohyun's POV

Im at school right now.. With Jungkook.... Every students is watching at us and making an ugly look on me.

"Why is that Trash with Jungkook?!"

"Are they in a relationship??"

"A trash with Jungkook? Eww!"

"She's stealing my Jungkook!"

"What a flirt!"

I heard them talking, I think Jungkook also heard it. He left me and went to the girls, wait what?!?

"Hey girls!" he shouted.

"Omo Oppppaaaaaa!!!!!" they all started shouting and fangirling, Lame.

"Dont call me oppa, Im not your oppa! And also, Dont you all try to bother Soohyun, If you do, Die bitches!"

They all remained quiet.

I didint expect him.. Doing those.. For me...

Then he got back and put his arms around my neck. Aww~ Wait Soohyun, Dont you fall inlove with him..

We got into the classroom and went to our proper seats. "Annyeong Jungkook-ah!" I waved goodbye. Then he made a look, "Why are you saying goodbye when were in the same classroom and your seat is just beside mine?" Oh yeah... I forgot... What a life..

"Nevermind. Forget about it." I nodded. He sat on his seat, he took me by the hand and put me on his lap then started backhugging me. Our classmates was watching at us, Im so embarass!

"Yah Jungkook-ah!" someone called him. "Ne Park Jimin?" Oh he's Jimin. "What are you doing with her? Is she your girlfriend?" he asked confusedly. "My soon to be." he answered. Omo, butterflies in my stomach again. Butterfly~ Like a Butterfly~ lol jk.

"Yah, Shes mine!" Jimin pulled me and put his arms around my neck. "Shut up Shortie, Shes already mine!" then Jungkook pulled me. "Pabo!!! I said shes mine!"

"No Shes Mine!"


They were arguing and pulling me! Wtf?!?

"YAH, HAJIMA YOU TWO!!" I shouted. They both let go of my hand and stayed quiet, but they were death glaring at each other. *Sigh* This is so very life..


Omo, Such a Nice scene! HAHHAHA

Feel my sarangs!



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