Chapter 22

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Soohyun's POV

What the hell has been happening to Jimin?! I told him to get home early. BUT IT'S ALREADY F*CKING 2:39 IN THE MIDNIGHT!

I called him many times but he's not answering! Like 1000000000000000000 times already!


I'll call him again.. last..

[My Mochiii]



Then a miracle passed by our condo. He answered my call.

I was expecting him to answer not drunk. But instead of him, a voice of a girl answered. "Haiii!"


"Where's Jimin?" I answered the girl on the phone. "Hmm. Perhaps.. This is Chim's girlfriend?"

"ANSWER MY F*CKING QUESTION!" I couldn't control myself anymore!

"Jimin? Don't worry about him, girl. He's heading home right now.." then she whispered something, "all pleasured." I could feel her smirking on the other line.

I ended the call.

Can I just die right now? Like I'm so depressed already.. I wish all of this happening right now is just a dream. Can I wake up now? Hello? Can I—

"Bug!" Jimin appeared on the door, drunk.

"Jimin? Why?" Jimin didn't hear and instead fell on the sofa. Then he went to his dreamland.

"Seriously J-Jimin? Why are you like that? Did she put a potion on you or something? Aish." I immediately went to the room and packed all of my clothes. "I'm going back home. I had enough of this shits."

Jungkook's POV

I don't know what's happening right now. Time is so fast. Channie broke up with me. Look's like she found her new boyfriend already. Pfft like I care. I wonder where's Soohyun. I tried calling her but it saids that there is no connection.

Soohyun's POV

I left Jimin a note that saids;

Jimin, I know it's hard for me. Real difficult, but.. I'm breaking up with you. I had enough of your shits Jimin. Go back with that girl you are with last night. I won't stop you. I won't judge you. Goodbye, Jimin.

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