Chapter 27

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Soohyun's POV

coudn't be better. How bout yours? I heard you broke up with Jimin?”

Jungkook suddenly cleared his throat.

“umm.. Excuse me for awhile, I'll just change. It such a shame you both wearing nice clothes while I'm still wearing PJ's, so..” I exited.

I went upstairs and locked the room.

How did Minji know that we broke up? Did Jimin told everybody?

I went to shower.

Minji's POV

“okay... So...... Topic?”

Jungkook just shrugged then sat on the sofa, playing with his phone.

I sat beside him and he was playing..

Superstar BTS?

He didn't notice that I was beside him. He was so focused on his game.

“Yah, don't press your screen that hard, it might cause a crack.” I told him.

Pfft. Like you care.” he continued playing.

Jinjja this boy??

“Eyo ladies and gentlemennn~” Soohyun appeared on the stairs. “Shall I cook pancakes? Hmmm~” she said.

Her clothes looks comfortable. A white sleeveless crop top, a jogging pants, and she just wore slippers. Her hair was a messy bun.

Jungkook suddenly stood up and went to Soohyun, backhugging her while she's cooking pancakes.

Now I felt like I'm third-wheeling.

“Soohyun, I should go now, hehe..” I told Soohyun.

“What? Why? Eat pancakes for awhile.” she replied while cooking.

“Errrr... Umm.. I— ah, eomma texted me that unnie needs my help.” I then smiled to cover the awkwardnees.

Bring this pancakes then.” she said, putting the pancakes in a box, then went near me while Jungkook still hugging her.

“Here.” she gave me the box. “Oh, and there's honey... If you want?”

No no, uhmm. I mean sure, okay got to go, bye!” I opened the door.

“Take care~” She shouted.

“You tooooo~!” I waved goodbye, then continued walking.

It's been a long day???

Soohyun's POV

“Hope they'll love the pancakes.” I sat down on the sofa.

Wait, this is not sofa.

I turned around and saw Jungkook, still backhugging me.

So it means..

I'm sitting on Jungkook?

Jagiyaaa~” I can feel Jungkook pouting.

“How about me? I don't have pancakes?” I chuckled at his childish behavior.

“Oh sure you have. Stay here arasseo, stop hugging me, you're so creepy.” I laughed. He pouted more.

I went to the kitchen and put the pancakes into a plate. Then I put a honey, in a bunny form.

“Jimin should be here. So that I could put Jams on his pancake.” I murmured.

I went back to the living room seeing Jungkook playing with his phone.

“Here's your order, Mr. Jeon. Eat it well.” then I bowed, acting like a waitress.

“Yah Soohyun what are you doing?!” Jungkook laughed.

“Oh, you know me sir??” I jokingly scratched my head.

Mianhae, my mistake. I don't know who you are. I don't even know what's your name. Perhaps, I can call you mine?” Jungkook grabbed my hand. I ended up sitting on his lap, him hugging me tight.

“Hello, mine. Your pancakes are delicious. Mind adding some more?” he asked.

“I'm sorry sir, but the pancakes aren't available now. Maybe tomorrow you can come back.” I chuckled.

“Then I want to order a Soohyun, make it hotter and delicious.” Jungkook winked.

My cheeks suddenly became hot.

“Someone's blushing.” Jungkook winked again.


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