Chapter 35

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(so as you can see, this chapter is full of convos because... Why not? Jkjk. I was bored.)

Haneul's POV

I woke up because of the light passing through the window. “Ahh~ Good morning too dear sun!”

I walked downstairs and Jungkook wasn't in there. “Jungkook?” I called him but he didn't answer.

I saw breakfast on the table.

I texted him. But I was suprised because he immediately replied.

Soohyunnie: Yah where the heck are you?

Jungkookie: I'm at my cousin's house

Jungkookie: sorry for not telling you. Well, I was gonna tell you but I don't want to wake you up because you seem tired. So I let you rest for awhile.

Soohyunnie: Aww okay kookie. Be a good boy in there arrachi?

Jungkookie: Ne Jagi.

Jungkookie: oh and btw, dont forget to eat breakfast. Its on the table. Eat it well, I cooked it.

Soohyunnie: yes yes I saw it. You cooked it? Wait lemme taste it.

Soohyunnie: mhm! It tastes good. Since when did you start cooking?

Jungkookie: since the day I met you.

Soohyunnie: ok ur so cheesy rn like I'm gonna eat now so yep byebye

I was actually blushing at what he said

Jungkookie: alright.

I smiled as I continued eating. Afterwards, I started washing dishes and sat unto the sofa, using my phone.

Unknown: Yah where the heck are you

Soohyun: excuse me?

Unknown: come here now, Everybody's waiting for you!

Soohyun: do I know you?

Unknown: c'mon stop joking. Or I'll eat your ice cream here.

Soohyun: ???

Unknown: see ya

Soohyun: wait- wrong number!

Unknown: what?

Soohyun: hu r u

Unknown: wait you're not Taehyung

Unknown: I'm Baekhyun. You?

Soohyun: I'm Soohyun.

Baekhyun: oh um sorry everything's wrong send.

Soohyun: well, it's alright.

Baekhyun: thanks.

Where the heck did this Baekhyun got my number? I thought. Then another unknown texted me.

Unknown: hello there! ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

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