Chapter 34

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Jungkook's POV

It's been 2 hours now. I think Soohyun and Minji is already done talking.

I went downstairs and saw Soohyun watching television. “Did she left already?” I asked.



She nodded. “She left like an hour ago.”

I widen my eyes. “What?? Why didn't you tell me?! It's been so boring upstairs!” I pouted.

She chuckled. “I'm sorry~ But thanks for giving us some privacy.” Soohyun pecked my lips then continued watching tv.

“I'll cook,” I said as I stood up.

“Nooo, I'll be the one who'll cook—”

“No. Just sit back and continue watching tv.” I said.

She just smiled. “Aww. Thank you Kookie.”

“Lunch time, babe!” I called her as I prepared the food.

“Coming!” then I saw her. “mhm~ smells good! What's for lunch?” then she widened her eyes. “OMAGAAAAAAWD! It's mah peyborit fud!” she started jumping around and cheering. “Let's eat nooowww! Omg I'm so excited!” then she sat unto the chair, smiling widely.

I chuckled. My girl is so damn cute.

“YAH! ARE WE GONNA EAT OR WHAT?!” she pouted.

“Alright alright, let's eat now.” I laughed.

“Why did you eat my dumplings?!” she glared.

I started laughing at her cuteness.

“Now I don't have anything to eat. Dumpling was also my favorite.” she frowned.

“Hey hey. I was just joking. I cooked a lot of dumplings arraseo?” then her face lightened up. “Jinjja?! Yay!”

I put a lot of dumplings in her plate. “Dum dumplings~ dum dumplings~ dum dumplings~ it'ch bwery yumi!”  she started singing, not minding on her childish attitude.

After 19 minutes, she finished eating. “Are you full now babe?” I asked.

“Yep. Thanks. But how did you cooked it all? You don't even know how to cook egg.” her face was confused.

I glared, “I know how to cook egg ok? And I watched some tutorial on youtube. I learned a lot.”

She just smiled then yawned. “I fweel sleepiii~” she went upstairs. “OH UM JUNGKOOKIE, CAN YOU WASH THE DISHES FOR AWHILE? THANK YOU HEHEHE.” She shouted.

“Arraseo Jagi!” I shouted back as I started gathering the plates into the sink.


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