Chapter 19

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Jungkook's POV

"How much do you love me?" Channie asked.

"I love you more than you love me," I answered.

"Sweet. When you and Soohyun were still in a relationship, have you ever asked Soohyun about it?" Channie.

Did I? I think I haven't asked her..

"Uh no.." I replied.

"How about try asking her later?" She evily laughed.

She's getting weirder.

"Sure," I smirked.

Her smile then faded, and said, "Uh okay, Got to go, Bye baby!" then she left.

I got my phone and texted Soohyun.

Jungkook: Hey!

After some minutes..

Soohyun: Hii~
Jungkook: You look like a child, did Jiminhyung let you drink a baby potion?
Soohyun: Yaaahh!!
Jungkook: Just joking. Can I ask?
Soohyun: Sure.
Jungkook: How much do you love me?
Soohyun: Go outside, count the stars, that's how much I love you.

Really? She love me?? Jungkook thought. Jungkook then went outside and counted the stars and then went back inside pouting.

Jungkook: But it's morning π.π
Soohyun: Exactly.

Okay fine you got me, Soohyun. I still love you.

Channie's POV

I don't think Jungkook Oppa loves me, hahaha, atleast, in the end, he would not be hurt. Yes oppa, I'm a slut, Hahaha!

I left Jungkook and told him to try ask Soohyun about it. I'm at the club right now, havin fun with boyz.

Jungkook's POV

Where the hell is Channie? It's already getting late as fuc–

"Bog!" the door slammed-open and there came a man with Channie on his shoulders.

"I bet she belongs to you," the man smirked and put Channie on the couch. After, he went out.

"Fuck" I cursed. This Channie is getting into my nerves!

"Oppa," Channie called me.

"What," I replied on my cold tone.

"I love your moneyyy, I d-dont lovee youu!" Fuck she's hell drunk.

"Shh, now fucking sleep." I carried her bridal style on our room. I turned off the lights then slept beside Channie.

Soohyun's POV

Yiiii, I'm with Jimin oppa right now, eatin ice creaaammmm!

"Bb," He called me.

"Ne oppa?" I replied.

"Wanna visit the maknae–" I spilled my ice cream out of my mouth after hearing the word " M A K N A E "

"Oh sorry," Jimin scratched the back of his head.

"Nah it's okay oppa. And sure, let's visit Kookie." Jimin glared at me like he's jealous for calling him Kookie. Pshh lol.

(At Jungkook's house)

"Jungkookieeeeeee!?" Jimin shouted. We're at their guards, stuck. Aigooooo. Fuck these guards, wont fucking believe us.

"Just let us fucking in." I told the guards on my coldest tone with a blank face. They went silent for a moment then let us in. Good.

"Channie the hel–" Jungkook froze when he saw us. Or maybe me? *smirks*

"What y'all doin here?" He said.

"To fucking kill you," I glared at him.

Jimin backhugged me that calmed me. "Of course, visiting the maknae. What would it be? To sleep?" He chuckled.

"Anyways, Alrig–"

"Oppa, have you seen my clothes–" Channie stared at us, smirked, then went to Jungkook's back, hugging it tightly. "Oppa, Saranghae." Channie told Jungkook with a smirked. "Morning." Jungkook replied.

Is she making me fucking jealous? Well, I'm not here to be jealous. I'm here to make someone jealous, and it's Jungkook.

"Jimin oppa," I called Jimin.

"Yes baby–" I kissed him. Infront of Jungkook and Channie.

I broke the kiss, "Let's go home. I'm getting hungry. Let's gooo, or I'll be eating anything." I told him, I just wanna go home. Don't wanna see this jerk and his 'girlfriend'. More like a 'slutfriend'.

"Eat me instead," Jimin smirked. "Sure, wait 'till we get home." I also smirked then I pulled Jimin outside Jungkook's house. I could see Jungkook's face.


Late update.

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