chapter 1 ☺️

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(a/n: kookie and cats are my favourite oh god // btw..i dont do prologues because sometimes i might not even follow the storyline and end up making another story so thats why i always start straight with the first chapter OH and i MIGHT not be following according to the description of this book so just bear that in mind!😂)

jungkook pov

Me and my other hyungs are having a mini concert in busan in 3 days time. I cant wait to visit halmeoni there when im free. I packed all my clothes in my luggage and toiletries too. Once im done, i close up my luggage and lay down on my bed checking our instagram account. We dont follow anyone at all so fans won't misunderstand anything.

Im a fan of gfriend, blackpink and iu for girl groups. For boy groups, im a fan of mostly almost all. Fans kept shipping me with eunha gfriend, sana or tzuyu from twice and lisa from blackpink. I dont get them. I mean i do have someone in mind but its neither of them that fans mostly talked about. Im not really a fan of twice that much. Its just that their songs are catchy. Just like Sana's 'shy shy shy'. Its catchy thats why i imitated her but fans think that i like sana. Ohmygod.

I scrolled through gfriend's instagram page. They are currently on the Love Whisper era. And our very own choreographer, choreographed their dance. It turned out to be amazing and complicated but awesome. But i was kinda upset for sinb. She didnt get much center even though she is the face of the group which meant center of the group. But overall their comeback was cute, not gonna lie. I was looking at sinb's recent update. She's so cuteee. She is known for not liking to do aegyo but when she does it, she will cringe so hard and thats her natural aegyo. She is really one of a kind.

"yah kookie, jin hyung already cooked for us. Come on and eat." the famous husky low voice guy, taehyung hyung.

"arasso hyung, i will be out in a minute" i told him.

Then i was still admiring sinb's picture.

"Kookie, what are you doinggg?" Taehyung hyung smirked at me.

"Oh pssh. Nothing" i chuckled putting my phone in my pocket of my sweatpants.

"Oh. Alright then" taehyung said and shrugged it off. I went out after him.

"Yah maknae, what took you so long! If you didnt come out sooner, jhope will finish all of this food" namjoon hyung said.

"uhh haha.." i laughed awkwardly.

I ate and had fun with the hyungs.

author's pov

meanwhile in gfriend's NEW dorm.

Only sowon, eunha and yerin are in the dorm since the dongsaengs are working. Yuju, sinb and umji are working. They are all working in a hospital. But the eonnie line is working in a different hospital than the dongsaeng line. Sinb is an emergency room (ER) doctor and a general surgeon. While yuju and umji are just normal doctors. Sinb is alittle different because she studied more in detail about surgeries and medicine while yuju and umji just studied normal medicines. She worked the hardest among the 5 group members but she enjoy saving lives even if she is really tired.

sinb pov

"dr eunbi, patient on bed 7 is under cardiac arrest!" One of the nurses called me.

I tied my hair into a ponytail while running towards bed 7 in the emergency room.

"Get the defibrillator!!" I shouted.

I knelt on the side of the hospital bed and pumped the patient's heart.

"charge 250 joules!" I shouted when the defibrillator was beside me.

"Stay clear! Shock!" i said as i shocked the person's heart.

"Doctor! Theres pulse!" The nurse said.

"good, put her on the oxygen mask and check her condition after every 15 minutes until further notice" i ordered and they followed accordingly .

I worked in a small and unpopular hospital. It is in the middle of nowhere. It has been my 3rd home other than my real one and gfriend's dorm. I really love it here. Yuju and umji feels the same way too. No one really freaks out when they see us working here. Our fans are mostly really respectful and didnt disturb the hospital when they come to see us.

"Sinb, you ready?" Yuju asked me.

I nodded and told the nurse that i'll be going home.

"arasso, have a great day dr eunbi!" She says. I smiled and went to my lockers room to change.

Once im ready, manager-nim fetched us and gave us a ride home. I opened gfriend's instagram and saw an account that was unexpected. Bts sunbaenim. They liked my photo.

"umji-ya..uhmm... look" i showed her my phone.

"woah wait let me confirm its them" she says and took out her phone.

"yah sinb, bts sunbaenim liked your photo. I wonder who 😂's that jeon jungkook. He always ask me about you." Yuju said.

"aish..jinjjaa.." i muttered under my breath.


hehehe hello! Hows the first chapter? Huehue so actually gfriend has double jobs here since they arent thatttt popular unlike twice and blackpink.

Thankq for reading and have a nice dayyyyyy! :>

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