chapter 29 🤕

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(A/n: second last chapter :') )

jungkook pov

Our pd-nim went back already and we decided to stay until sinb's parents are here so we can leave her in good hands.


I turned around and saw sinb's family. Mr and mrs hwang, min hyun hyung. Wait who's that lady walking beside mrs hwang. She looked so worried.

"Annyeong-annyeonghaseyo mr and mrs hwang..sinb's in coma.." i muttered while looking down.

"annyeonghaseyo mr and mrs hwang.." the girls and my hyungs greeted.

Then the lady whom i dont know who, went towards sinb and held her hand.

" sorry...eonnie is sorry to leave you without telling you.. " she cried.

So she is eunbi's older sister.

"Yoona noona...are you going to stay in korea now? For good?" Min hyun asked.

"ne.. *sniff* i'll ask halmeoni there to send my belongings here..i already told her that i will be moving back here for good.. dont worry min hyun :) im here with you both again" the lady named yoona said and rubbed eunbi's hand gently.

"oh eunbi's older sister :)" she stood up and bowed to us.

We greeted her.

"You girls must be eunbi's group members am i right? Sowon, yerin, eunha, yuju and umji?" Yoona asks.

"ne eonnie :)" the girls said.

The girls then went back home along with my hyungs.

"jungkook? You sure?" Jin hyung asked.

"I'll be fine hyung :)" i said.

"Arasso, i'll come by tomorrow and pass you a set of clothes" he said and he left.

So its just me and yoona noona in the hospital room with sinb.

"so you're jungkook? The jeongguk that lived right next to us when we were younger?" yoona said.

"Yeap. I didnt know what was your name back then. Then now i have completely forgotten that sinb has an older sister" i said shyly.

"Gwaenchana😂 ive left for a long time so its fine. Me and sinb videocalled each other atleast once a week. She talks to me about you. She talks about you almost every week"

"Noona, you should go should rest after a long flight" i said.

"Jinjja? Then i'll come back tomorrow morning okay? Gomawo jungkook-ssi :)" she said. She grabbed her stuffs and left.

5 months later.

Ive been told to stop visiting sinb. Many fans are suspecting me liking sinb. And that sinb might not even live. After many months of deciding, we would want to let sinb leave this world peacefully. It was really hard to accept it. There will be no sinb hyung. No main dancer of gfriend. The girls decided not to change the main dancer. The main and best dancer in gfriend will forever be sinb. Even if sinb passes away.

Today is the day where sinb will leave us. Everyone.

author pov

sinb's family, ceo-nim, members and mangers came to send her off promptly. Eunseo, seulgi, dahyun and lisa were there too. Yes they are all a clique. They are really good friends.

Sehun removed the life support on sinb.

Everyone cried.


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