chapter 22 🐰

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(a/n: if that sparkles hit her, she would hv been really injured man. It reminds me of jhope😩. He was doing his part when the sparkles kinda went in his eyes)

author pov

Jungkook groaned at sinb.

"whattt? Whats wrong with saying taehyungie alien?" Sinb asked jungkook innocently.

"aish. Can you not." He said and rolled his eyes.

Jungkook was really upset that sinb calls him jungkook and not jungkookie or any other adorable names.

"Yahhhh why cant you call me jungkookie, or kookie or kookie oppa or-" he got cut by sinb.

"yah. I called you kookie before" sinb said.

"yeah and now you call me jungkook. Only." He said.

"Wait. Are you..jealous?" Sinb smirked.

Jungkook's cheeks turned bright pink.

"Awww this bunny is blushinggggg" sinb said.

Jungkook widen his eyes at her. Sinb realised what she called jungkook and immediately covered her mouth.

"So you do actually have a nickname for me 😏" jungkook smirked.

"ofcourse i do! Why wouldnt i have a nickname for you. Its just that..i cant find a right time to call you that.." she muttered.

I laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Kyeopta" i said and she blushed.

"Im. Not. Cute." She said and looked away.

"But you're blushing when i call you thatt.." i teased. After that, she slowly fall asleep on my shoulder.

"Hmm..i bet you never got anytime to sleep" i talked to myself. I then hugged her close to me and closed my eyes.

-next morning-

I woke up and realised i was in a room. This is not my room. I look around and it was sinb's office/bedroom in the hospital. I checked the time and its 11.03am.

She must be doing yerin's surgery now. God damn it jungkook. You couldve woke up earlier and wish her goodluck. Oh god.

I cleaned up myself and fix my clothes. I then use the water to wet my hair abit and style it. I then walk around the hospital.

I then bumped into a girl. Eunseo?

"Oh im sorry.." she muttered and slowly looked at me. She was wearing a mask but i recognised her eyes.

"j-jungkook?" She asked in a whisper.

"eunseo? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I-i wanted to meet sinb and wish her goodluck for the surgery on yerin eonnie.." she said. She looked nervous.

We both then went to the rooftop where theres nobody. So while waiting for the surgery to end, we both talking about random shits about our lifes.

"soo..are you dating anyone now?" I asked.

She tucked a few stands of hair behind her ear and laughed a little.

"Aniyo..i..." she said.

"Im waiting...for someone.." she said and looked into my eyes.

She was waiting for me? Wadafak? <- such a cool way to say 'wtf' HAHAH. :P lame okay back to the story.

"eunseo- i.." i got cut off when she kissed me.

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