chapter 4 😝

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author pov

"Alright now the eldest member of each group please come to the center" heechul instructed.

So its eunha and jimin.

They played rock paper scissors. Eunha lost so gfriend went first.

Eunha, yuju and sinb got ready. They circled among themselves and planned out formations. Then sinb raised up her hands.

"Can you give us 5 minutes?" She asked.

"Ah ne, go ahead :)" hani said.

taehyung pov

We all watched as the three girls did their work. Sinb, being their main dancer, organized their formations. She really is effective and totally different from other girl group members.

"Okay we're ready sunbaenim" she says and got ready.

I was expecting them to not be clean in choreography, since the dance steps are fast even when its not 2x speed.

"Wahh as expected, dancing queens" hani squealed like a total fangirl.

The three of them are done. It was clean, sharp and not messy. HOW.

"Kamsahamida :)" the three of them bowed and went back to their places.

Then it was our turn. We did 'not today' choreo. I saw sinb imitating me and i cant stop laughing. And we end with an applause.

"And the usual dancing kings. Exo, dont worry you're tied with them" heechul said to the camera. Yuju and eunha immediately turn to sinb.

Sinb just glared at them both.

I was curious but i just shrugged it off.

Then the director cut.

"Cut'! 15 minutes break!" He shouted.

"Kamsahamida" we all said and went to our dressing room.

"Na eun eonnie, can i have my phone?" Sinb asked from her assistant.

"Sure, give it back to me before you go on set" her assistant said.

"Make sure you dont get caught sinb-ya.." eunha whispered but i heard it.

I turned to jungkook since jimin went to the toilet.

He signaled me that he also heard it.

Sinb went out of the dressing room, calling someone.

"Ga Young noona, me and jungkook will be heading towards the manager-nim for awhile" i lied.

"Okay, dont be late" she said.

Me and jungkook nodded and being the naughty us, we followed sinb from behind secretly. We hid behind a wall nearby her and hear her conversation.

"Sehun-ah why did you call me?" She said.

She giggled and said, "yah oppa, go back to sleep okay. You should be lucky you have nothing on today. Rest okay or else i'll tell suho sunbae to not cook for you dinner"

"Dinner? 12am is the only time i'll be free" she continued.

"Okay climbed up to me and umji's room at not fall down on the tree again." She laughed.

"saranghaeyooo~ god did i just do aegyo." She said and hung up.

Me and jungkook turn towards each other. Sehun and Sinb are together? Is that why they both always steal glances from each other during every music concerts?!

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