chapter 12 😬

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(A/n: jungkook just killed me. He did a cpr on me after that, causing my heart to beat really fast again. ARGHAJSJSKAKS)

sinb pov

I walked around the ER to check on the patients, still annoyed by sehun. Who told him that he can do whatever he wants in this hospital?! Ugh.

Then i saw him walking and checking a patient's detail.

"Yah. Who told you that you can do a surgery here??" I glared at him.

"well i was scheduled here for today." he told me while looking at the papers.

"Yah! Look at me while im talking!" I shouted causing everyone to look at us both.

He turned his face and everything went slowmo. His face went nearer to mine and his eyes stared at mine. I backed off a little but he pulled my wrist to stay a few inches away from him.

"You told me to look at you..isnt this how close we've always been talking together" he smirked.

"Y..yah!" I freaking stuttered.

"Is my princess stuttering?" Sehun smiled.

I smacked his arm. "Yah! im not your princess." I said and walked off.

I went to private ward 2 to find for jungkook.

Its already night time and tomorrow they will be discharged early in the morning so that they can leave in peace.

I went in the dorm to find them all resting except jungkook. He is not there. Where did he go? I went to all the places that he might be at but he's not there. Hais..might as well go back to my room.

I switch my room lights on and got shocked. Jungkook?!

"Yah! You scared me! How did you get in here? Why are you here?" I asked him.

He stood up and walked towards me.

"simple. you didnt lock your door. I saw you and sehun. what did he do to you?" He asked me.

I backed off of him but he went nearer towards me. Shit. Dead end. He pinned me against the wall.

"kookie, we didnt do anything🤦🏻‍♀️ he was just joking around" i sighed.

"Do you still love him?" He asked.

I couldnt say no. I admit, i dont love sehun anymore. But jungkook, i really really love him. But i cant hurt friendship with her is more important. Eunha really likes im sorry i have to lie.

"I still love sehun." I said with no expression, staring back into his eyes to prove that im not lying even though i am.

He backed off.

"Go and rest. tomorrow you will be discharged. I wont see you off." I said.

-skip to a few days later-

Bts have been discharged and they already started promoting their songs.

in gfriend's dorm..

"Yuju, eunha and sinb, remember tomorrow is the shooting for weekly idol! Please do not. Oversleep. Especially you hwang eunbi." Sowon eonnie reminded.

I chuckled bitterly and rolled my eyes. Ugh im gonna face jungkook. Eunha has been talking about jungkook and mingyu sunbae. Why mingyu though?

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