chapter 15 😱

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sinb pov

I skated slowly to doldam hospital. No one noticed me thank god. I finally reached. I wore back my shoe and held my skates. I also removed my knee pads and put them in my bag. I started limping towards the ER.

"sehun? You're here again?" i asked.

"yea- what happen to you??" He asked and rushed towards me.

He held my arm and led me to a bed. I sat down on it as he checked on my thighs.

"Umm.." i felt awkward when he looked at my thighs. I felt insecure..i was only wearing shorts.

"Why?" He asked.

" thighs..i have muscle tear." I said.

"Ah okay. Right." He said and took medication and some other stuffs.

"Have you eaten?" He asked.

"Ani.." i replied.

"okay..lets eat first before you take this painkillers" he said and he brought me to the small staff canteen.

"What do you wanna eat? Ramyeon?" He asked.

My face literally lit up when he said ramyeon.

He chuckled, "your favourite as always" then he went to buy it.

He came back with two bowls of ramyeon.

"Gomawo sehun-ah" i said and eat it.

"So you've been dieting?" He asked as he ate his noodles.

"yeah but who cares ceo-nim isnt here" i said and he laughed.

"You've became so small now eunbi I MEAN sinb!" he said.

I laughed, "gwaenchana you can still call me eunbi if you want"

"What happent to you? Why are you not being careful? Did you put on the brave front and be that sinb oppa again? Why cant you be the real you? The one that im together with last time?" Sehun asked multiple questions.

I just kept quiet and look down at my bowl.

"i was shooting for weekly idol just now..and we were playing a game. It was to test our flexibility. I wanted to do the best for my team so i did a full split. Without stretching. I was in alot of pain sehun..i dont like to worry others. Not just physically hurt but internally." I stopped talking. I bit my lip to control my tears from flowing.

"let the tears flow eunbi." sehun told me in a serious tone.

I let go of my lip and looked down. I cried.

"come here.." he said and i cried in his chest as he wrap his arms around me.

"i missed us eunbi-ya.." he said.

" have irene eonnie.." i muttered.

"yeah..i know. i just missed this warm feeling with you" he said as he carressed my head.

"Feel better?" He asked.

I nodded, "are we good friends?" I asked.

"best friends :)" he said and pinched my cheeks.

I laughed and wiped my tears away.

"so as your doctor, i suggest not to dance strenuously for 1 week. Do not. i repeat, DO NOT full out. You really have a habit of pushing yourself even though you're unable to." He said.

"Yah. Im a doctor too okay. I know what im doing" i smacked the back of his head.

"Yah!" He shouted.

"Yah we're idols, behave like one mr oh sehun." I said and carried my food tray and left the table, limping.

I returned my tray and i turn to find sehun walking towards me to put back his tray.

"wahh sehun oppa is such a nice citizen!" i said doing an aegyo.

"omg stop. dont do that!" he whined.

"since when do i like to do aegyo" i rolled my eyes at him and we walked out of the staff canteen. He helped me walk back to the ER.

"Kookie?- WAIT I MEAN jungkook? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"why are you with sehun?!" He shouted.

"he is my-" i got cut off.

"forget it, i thought i can stand a chance to be with you." He muttered and left.

"no no jungkook!" I shouted. I ran after him.

"eunbi! Your thigh! dont run!" sehun shouted after me.

Jungkook kept walking away.

I walked down the stairs but i fell because my legs couldnt take it anymore. I fell and rolled down. Next thing i know, everything was blurry.

"Sinb!!!!" I heard jungkook shouting.

I saw him beside me along with sehun.

"No no, im sorry! Im so sorry i made you fall" jungkook cried.

I gave him a slight smile, "you still stand a chance to be with me jungkook-ah" i said weakly.

"eunbi, hang on okay! I'll bring you back to the ER" sehun said and i black out.

jungkook pov

sehun hyung says that sinb hurt her head so he have to do a quick CT scan and it shows that he needs to do surgery on her. It is now 9pm. Its been 6 hours. Sehun hyung finally came out.

"she's fine. she is warded in private ward 4" sehun hyung said.

"make sure she doesnt overwork her legs but she can still move around like normal. When she's awake, call me so that i can do a quick checkup and prescribe her medicines" he said. Then he bowed and left. I went to private ward 4. I sat down beside her and held her hand.

"im so sorry to cause you in this state.." i cried softly. I felt so guilty.

I went to the toilet to wash my face. When i cane back, she was awake.

"Omo sinb you're awake!" I shrieked in happiness and held her hand.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Chapter 15!😮 SINB LOST HER MEMORY? Ohnoooooo. I wrote this on the way to school today AHHAHA okay byeee. Im gonna be dead for my english essay exam today. 🤧

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