chapter 11 🤠

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author pov

"YALL!!!" Sinb rushed in private ward 2.

"DNA IS LIT!" sinb shrieked.

All seven members of bts started laughing.

"Whatttt?!!" Sinb asked while repeating the music video on her phone again and again (a/n: same).

"God. Teach me the choreography!!" Sinb whined.

"I WILL! i'll teach you once we're discharged from this hospital" jhope said.

"ME! I'll teach her." Jungkook glared at jhope.

"Okay okay chill out maknae" jhope said while backing off.

Sinb just laughed awkwardly at the tension.

"Ehehe..i....bettergonow" she said and left.

Now its 6.14pm. Sinb has break until 7pm. She took this time to bathe quickly and change her clothes. She changed into clothes that umji packed for her.  Black skinny jeans with a white button up top. (Not long sleeve) As usual, she wore doc martens. She then tied her hair into a ponytail and wore the doctor coat. She has not eaten since yesterday night. Her stomach now hurts and she doesnt feel good. She was about to go to the vending machine to buy a bun to fill her stomach but it was end of her break time.

More patients started to enter the ER and again, she is alone. She quickly checked the patients. Little did she know, jungkook was watching her.

jungkook pov

She looked so pale. But still beautiful. She kept hugging her stomach.

"Dr eunbi! Are you okay? You should take a break. You have been working nonstop since rest!" One of the nurses said.

She didnt take a break?

"gwaen..chana :) i can still walk" she said weakly.

Then the hospital phone rang. The nurse picked it up. After a while, she hung up.

"dr-eunbi... you're needed for a surgery.." the nurse muttered.

"Its okay..dont worry about me.. i can do it..." she slowly said and walked off.

Halfway out, she fell down. She was in alot of pain.

"SINB!" I shouted and ran towards her.

I carried her and put her on the bed that the nurse led me to.

"Wheres the other doctors?!" I shouted.

"They- have left jungkook-ssi.." the nurse told me.

"Dr minhyuk??" I asked but she shook her head.

"move, i'll treat her." Someone said behind.

"Sehun hyung?" I asked.

"move jungkook. I'll treat her." He said.

"Ultrasound!" He shouted.

The nurse immediately pushed a monitor towards our direction. He unbottoned sinb's clothes exposing her flat stomach and put the scan on her stomach while looking at the screen.

"Stomach ulcer, gastric. 4 days." Sehun said.

He held her hand.

"eunbi-ya.." he called her.

"hold my hand tightly when its painful when i press on it okay?" Sehun said.

He pressed at some parts of her stomach and she groaned in pain.

"S-sehun-ah..there..its painful.." she was in tears already.

"its here :)" sehun told her.

my heart was beating so fast in anger. After what he did to sinb and he is tryna gain back her heart?? I will not let him.

"Give her painkillers, fluids and panadol. But first let her eat plain porridge." Sehun told the nurse.

"Ne dr sehun." The nurse acknowledged and left.

"Youre a doctor?" I asked.

"Yes jungkook.. in daegu." He answered while looking at the papers.

"you have to eat first okay eunbi?" sehun told her as the nurse placed a bowl of porridge on the movable table.

Sinb nodded her head. We both sat beside her bed and watch her eat. She looked so hungry. This is all my fault. She sacrificed her gimbaps just for me. I feel bad.

"Im so sorry sinb.." i told her.

"why are you apologising?" She asked.

"i took your sacrificed it for me.." i answered regretfully.

"gwaenchana☺️..look im fine's your fever?" Sinb asked.

"Im fine sinb.." i told her and sighed.

"sorry kookie..but could you leave me and sehun alone for now?" sinb asked.

"sure..i'll be in my room with my hyungs" i said and left.

sinb pov

"Lets go to the rooftop." I said.

I get up and i groaned in pain. Its still painful ughhh.

"Wait here, wheelchair" sehun offered the wheelchair. I then sat on it.

He brought along my medicine and wheeled me to the rooftop. Luckily, theres no one. Reporters all have gone back home and no one. NO ONE. Found out that me and the other members are working here.

"look eunbi. Im sorry-" he said.

"Who told you that you can call me by my real name?" i asked.

"okay im sorry. sinb." he said.

"How long have you been with irene eonnie." i asked again.

"a day after we modelled for the magazine" he said and sighed heavily.

"And you didnt tell me? Why? You know it hurts. After so long being with me, and suddenly. A day right before our 14th month anniversary together, you broke up with me. Why didnt you tell me earlier so that i wont feel the pain. Why sehun." i start to tear up.

"go. I dont want to see you again." I covered my face and cried.

He didnt say a word and left immediately. Why was he here in doldam hospital in the first place. Ugh.

I then ate my medicine and wheeled myself down to the ER. I put back the wheelchair and went to the nurse.

"wheres the patient who needs surgery?" I asked.

"Dr sehun is doing the surgery now." She answered.

I rolled my eyes. Then i walked away.

Chapter 11!! 🤗 sorry for my grammatical errors, storyline doesnt make sense and not as good as other authors books! Im still so called new to wattpad soooo im sorry for all this mistakes i make! Anyways see you on the next chapter!

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