chapter 28 🐯

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(A/n: chae young slayed in the 'one more time' twice mv 😩😩🔥 LOOK AT THT VISUAL oh gosh //okay sorry back to the story)

sinb pov

I left the restaurant. The whole time, i thought eunha likes jungkook. But she is with mingyu?! The hell? I was trying to stop liking jungkook for her. ugh. I walk and walk until im far far away from the restaurant. I went into a mall. Then i met a few buddies. The teenage girls ran up to me.

"Omo! Sinb!" They shrieked.

I smiled.

"Can we get a selca with you eonnie? You look so pretty without makeup!" The girls said.

"Ofcourse :) "

Then we took a selca.

"Wait wait, airdrop it to me" i said cos i wanna keep the selca. It is memorable to me to take pictures with fans.

They sent me the picture and bid goodbyes. Im glad i made their day :). I then walk around and tuck my hands in the pockets of my black hoodie. I look around and went to buy coffee. Double chocolate frappe. :P

"Yah sinb! There you are!" Shit that familiar voice.

"Omo! Jungkook oppa!" Girls started screaming.

"No no no..i better get out of here" I muttered and started walking fast. Then he grabbed my wrist.

"Sinb!!" He whined putting on aegyo.

"Can you not. Put aegyo🤦🏻‍♀️ ITS SO CRINGEYYYYY" i whined back.

"Kyeopta" he pinched my cheeks.

"Yahh. :(" i pouted rubbing my cheeks.


(A/n: yeeee boi. Sinkook is real alright 😭)

"Aniyo..we're not together...yet." Jungkook said.

I looked at him.

jungkook pov

I saw sinb's look on her face. She was begging me. She wanted to protect her member's profile. Their group grew alone, fresh. Many haters but they still stayed together. She already got many hates of being very rude to her eonnies and other people but it was just sinb, being sinb. I decided to just... help her.

"Jinjja?!!" The fans screamed.

"Im just joking 😂 we're both best friends ever since high school" i said and smiled at them.

"we should go back to the restaurant now before our pd-nims scream at us" sinb said.

We both bowed and left the mall quick. After getting away and walking back to the restaurant, we slowed down our walking pace.

She held my hand and stopped walking, "kookie...gomawo..." she muttered.

I look at her and stopped walking too.

"its nothing. Really" i said even though it really means something to me that im actually helping the one and only hwang eunbi.

"Kookie i-"

BANG! Sinb was shot. She fell into my arms.

"YAH ASSHOLE! sinb-ya!" I shouted.

The pathway was quiet and nobody was there.

"" she said weakly.

"yah..please dont put up a strong front sinb.." i started crying.


"jungkook? Is that you?" A man in a car asks.

"sehun hyung! Sinb got shot!" i shouted in tears.

he rushed and carried sinb into his car. I sat and hold her, trying to stop the blood. We reached doldam hospital not too long later and they rushed sinb into the operation room.

"jungkook, contact her family and afraid..theres only 30% chance that she will live...that guy shot her in her heart." Sehun said and he rushed to the operation room after tapping my shoulder.

I was shocked. I texted bang pd-nim about sinb getting shot. I just squatted there in front of the operation room, praying really hard that she will make it.

It was all over the news. The news that sinb got shot. I hugged my legs and cried silently.

-the next day-

Gfriend, their pd-nim, bang pd-nim and my hyungs are here. The girls cried alot. Especially yuju and yerin. The operation was still going on .

Then we decided to wait sinb's office room where its more private there.

"she receive alot of hate. but. We didnt expect it to end up like this. im so sorry for taking away your center position jagi.." yuju hugged sinb's pillow.

"she literally didnt raise her hand when mr so sungdeuk asked who wants to be in the center. Usually she would and in the end we will fight for the center. Then she would say 'why not everyone gets a chance to be in the center'. She is always giving in to us.. but we never did the same to her.." sowon said.

" sure she understands all of you..i dont get why you guys arent that popular. I mean. You guys are actually better than twice for goodness sake. But different groups have their different strength so..hwaiting gfriend :)" namjoon hyung said.

(A/n: pls dont fight. I love both groups! Well, i prefer gfriend if i were to compare both groups)

Then i received a text saying that the operation is over. I informed the others and we rushed to the operation room.

"sehun sunbae, how is she?" Sowon asked worriedly.

"she is under coma. There were alot of complications in the surgery but fortunately, she is a strong girl. We do not know when she will wake up but do keep talking to her. Im sure she misses someone alot.." sehun said.

"who?" i asked.

"sinb has an older sister." sehun said.

"MWO?" The girls were shocked.

"You guys also didnt know?" Taehyung asked and the girls nodded to show that they didnt know.

"Well yea, sinb has an older sister. She really misses her. Jungkook-ssi, continue talking to her everyday..she loves you. me when she wakes up. We will check on her thoroughly. Thats all" sehun said and bowed. Then he left.


chapter 28! Sinb got shot??!? Omgggggg. Hope she's fine! See u guys on the next chapt!

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